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After they've finished cooking the three sat down to eat, talking about what happened in the 3 months they spent away from each other. Turns out Bucky still has some episodes, overcoming the brainwash.

In the afternoon they started planning their mission to escape Sam and Clint. They went through every possible outcome, they studied the blueprint of the prison, making sure they know every spot, where the cameras are. They need to save their friends, no matter at what cost.

When nighttime came, they had a solid plan they could possibly move forward with, only they needed Fury's approval.

"They are probably waiting for us to rescue them. They're using them as bait. We need to be careful, and quick. Ross most definitely thinks we need more time to come up with a plan, so I suggest we go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. safehouse tomorrow to get the quinjet and as many agents as we can and get going." Natasha says. "Clint needs to be with his family, He will be safe there. Laura must be worried sick by now." She takes a deep breath.

"Then I suggest we call it a day. We will need all of our energy tomorrow." Bucky spoke up. "I'm sorry guys. I really am. This is all happening because of me."

"Bucky, you're my brother. I'm with you till the end of the line." Steve reassures him.

"To be honest I don't know if you should let me fight tomorrow if it comes to that. Trust me, I want to, more than anything. My head is all messed up, I can still hear hydra saying those trigger words to me every now and then. My focus is horrible. I wouldn't be any help."

"That's completely okay. Steve and I got this, don't we?" Nat looked at the soldier.

"Yes, we do. Go to sleep now bud, see you in the morning." Steve smiled at his friend.

Bucky went to the extra bedroom and closed the door behind him. It was obvious he felt really bad for everything. 

"Poor him. I can see he's suffering." Natasha said while she sat next to Steve at the dining table. "You really care about him, don't you?"

"He was the one who always stood by my side when I needed help, way before I became Captain America. He's the reason I survived everything up until Project: Rebirth. I am doing the same thing for him now."

"I know. We will clear his name. Get our friends out."

"Thank you, Nat. You always know the right thing to say." He smiled at her, taking her hands in his.

She felt it again, at this moment. Her heart fluttering as she looked in his blue eyes.

"That's what friends are for, aren't they?" She smiled back, standing up and making her way over to the fridge. She felt a weird, bad feeling when she said the word friend. She thought that's what she'll ever be to Steve.

"You want a beer?" She asked him, taking one out of the fridge. "Something stronger?"

"I can't get trunk Romanoff, you know that."

"I know. I just don't want to look pathetic being the only one who drinks."

"Give me one then." He let out a small laugh, accepting the drink from her.

"Do you even like the taste? I mean, I usually drink to take the edge off or to feel a little better, but you can't get drunk, so how is it for you?" She asked, curious about his answer.

"As of right now..." He took a sip. "I'm drinking it out of pity." He laughed.

"Ouch." She laughed too. Steve's smile was really contagious for her.

"It's not bad. I don't like sweet, sugary drinks anyway, so I like the bitterness of the beer. But strong drinks like whisky, or vodka, now those are nasty."

"Hey! Don't disrespect vodka like that! You'll hurt my Russian feelings." She joked.

"I thought Russians aren't supposed to have feelings anyways. All the vodka burns it away!"

"Okay, now you're just being stereotypical. There are some nice Russians too. Like me." Natasha couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She felt really comfortable joking with Steve like this.

"You can be nice if you want to. Most of the time you're playing ice queen though."

"There are a selected amount of people who can enjoy my niceness, but I don't trust easily, you know that. I'm only nice to whom I trust. "

"You trust me, then?"

"I do."

"That's good. Especially now, considering what we're about to do."

"You mean saving our idiot friends? Yes, but I really don't need to be nice for kicking a bunch of agents in the ass."

"You're worried about Clint, aren't you?"

"He's my family Steve. He saved me. I need to save him and bring him back to Laura and the kids. There are only two people on this planet I would literally jump off a cliff for... Clint's one of them."

"Care to tell me who the other one is?" he smiled at her, his eyes reassuring her that it's okay to open up to him.


Steve was taken back by her answer. He didn't know he meant that much to Natasha. He didn't know how to react. Nat stood up, feeling awkward after her confession to Steve. She started making her way to her room when Steve finally started talking.

"So you'd jump off a cliff for me?" He asked.

"Don't be that flattered Rogers. A small rock maybe." She winked at him and went into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Natasha took a shower, put on her pajamas which consisted of a big oversized white shirt and bottom underwear. She laid in her bed, knowing that she won't get much sleep tonight either.

Steve turned off the lights in the livingroom and made his way over to the couch. It wasn't the most appealing bed ever, but he's excited to have a good nights sleep where he doesn't stay up worrying about Natasha. Now she's in the room next to him and he feels at home. He laid down and soon after closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep.

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