My Uncle Is Made Of Iron? And From New York, Apparently.

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So, my afterlife was going great.

You know. Being dead and in Boston, looking for Annabeth. She promised that she would meet me out here after my funeral.

Ew. That was a bad thought. My funeral. It was still weird to think I was dead. While I was walking along the boardwalk, I saw a guy standing on the beach in a three-piece suit. I don't usually judge people, they can wear what they want, but something inside of me just said 'stop' when I looked at him.

And then he turned around and saw me.

It took me a second, but then it hit me.

Tony Stark?

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tony shrieked.

Oh. I should probably run.

But I was frozen in place as he ran up to me, crushing me in a hug. "Magnus! You're not dead! How?!"

Wait, how does he know me?

"Um. Do I know you?" I asked hoarsely. "I mean, obviously, I know you. You're Tony Stark. But, uh, why do you know who I am?"

I honestly don't think he was listening to me as he tried to wipe away frantic tears.

"I... you were dead." He said after a few silent seconds, holding me at arms length, grip tight on my shoulders. "I saw your dead body. Why are you alive? No, wait, how are you alive?"

Fuck. I thought. "First, tell me why you're asking."

"Magnus, I'm your Uncle."


"Um... surprise much?" I muttered. "So, uh, this is probably a good time to tell you that I am not Magnus-"


I groaned. Blitz.

"Magnus, Magnus!" He called again, running up to me. "C'mon, we gotta get you back to- who's this?"

"My name is Tony Stark. And I'm afraid Magnus won't be going anywhere."

"Oh, Magnus!" Samirah said as she ran up to the three of us. "Oh- um... hello?"

"Hi." Tony faked a smile. "Who are you two?"

"She's Samirah, and this is Blitz." I cleared up. "Guys, this is Tony Stark. Tony, these are my friends."

"I'm his uncle."

"He's... my uncle."

Samirah sent Tony a dazzling smile and grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the other two. "One second, please?" She grabbed my ear. "Magnus, what the heck? You said Annabeth was the only member of your family who knew you were still alive!"

"I was wrong, okay? I didn't know Tony freaking Stark was my uncle, either. This is new to all of us." I hissed back, straighten up when Sam dropped my ear.

Oh, No. (Magnus Chase x Avengers Story)Where stories live. Discover now