- World Building and Plot-

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"Why'd I agree to this, again?"


Years after Tony Stark lost his parents, he decided to check out to his extended family; see how they were holding up and who they were.

What he found was devastating.

His niece, Annabeth, had run away from home when she was seven and had just started trying to reach out to her father, stepmother, and stepbrothers.

And his nephew, Magnus... his mom had been killed in a weird 'gas-leak' related explosion in their apartment, and he was nowhere to be found.

Tony decided to keep tabs on his family, though they didn't know they were related to him. He'd show up to Dr Chase's lectures and just hang around in the back, watching.

He never could find Annabeth, though. She only appeared for brief periods of time and it was mostly school. Tony couldn't just show up at Annabeth's school, unannounced in the middle of the day.

He never found Magnus.

Well, he never found him alive. After finding out that he had died, Tony came forwards to the Chase family and attended the funeral with them.

Annabeth was just like him, he found out. That was scary. She was always wanting new information, but never being able to sit down for long enough to take it all in. She kept looking over her shoulder during the funeral, as if she was... looking for someone?

She barely cried during the funeral, and when she did it was empty. Tony knew what she was doing, but he couldn't figure out why. She was fake crying, putting on a show, but that couldn't have been right. Fredrick said that Magnus and Annabeth had been inseparable for all of their childhood. Something wasn't clicking.

Tony didn't know what was going on, but he knew that seeing Magnus' dead body in the coffin made Tony sick. He didn't get to know the kid, but it just felt... wrong. He couldn't be dead. Tony never found him. Tony never got to know him, Tony never got to have a nephew, or great-cousin or whatever the hell Annabeth and Magnus were to him.

But he knew something was wrong. The funeral didn't feel real. Almost like Magnus wasn't dead.

After the funeral, Tony tried to convince Annabeth to come to Stark Tower with him, but she simply stated that she was waiting for someone and that she was busy all summer.

"With what? It's your last summer before college. C'mon." Tony insisted. "Here, you know what? I'll give you my phone number."

"I don't have a phone and I'm gonna be at camp." Annabeth brushed him off, looking down to the beach. "Where is he?" She murmured softly.

"You don't have a phone? C'mon, Annabeth, that's not funny or believable."

"I don't. Having one puts me in serious danger." Annabeth mused mindlessly, looking to the beach again.

"Seriously? Fredrick didn't get you one?"

"He tried. Then I got attacked, so, y'know."


"Oh, there he is! Bye, uh...?" She waved her hand around, trying to be polite.

"You can call me Uncle Tony, or just Tony if you want. Mr Stark works, too, though."

Annabeth beamed. "Thanks, Uncle Tony. I hope I can come to visit you sometime." She turned to the boy that had begun approaching them, and hugged him. "Percy!"

"Hey, Wise Girl." The boy said affectionately. He fully saw Tony, and gasped. "You're Tony Stark!"

Tony laughed. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Annabeth's uncle."

"No wonder your so smart," Percy whispered to Annabeth.

Annabeth glared up at him playfully. "It was great to finally meet you, Uncle Tony. I'm really sorry we're meeting like this. But... I'll be sure to make time to come visit you sometime."

"Looking forward to it, kiddo. Have fun at camp."

And they walked off, Annabeth giving him one last handshake. He sighed, dropping his paparazzi smile and rubbing his temples.

Time to head back to New York, I guess. He thought sadly, running a trembling hand through his hair.

He turned around to look up at the boardwalk, only to see a very familiar face staring back at him.

One that he had just seen in a coffin.



Alright, there's your prologue! Basically just some story stuff. The other chapters will not be done in this POV; it will be mostly from Magnus and Tony's POV in the first person.

I'll be talking about how everyone's related and what the timeline is down here.

Tony Stark's mom, Maria, was Fredrick, Randolph, and Natalie's dad's sister (in this story). She kind of cut off contact with them (The Chases) once she married Howard and had Tony.

This is basically the first Magnus Chase book but way different because Tony and the rest of the Avengers are trying to figure out "why Magnus isn't dead????" and such while Magnus is trying to KEEP them from figuring it out. Plots will change please don't sue me.

I don't own the Magnus Chase or Percy Jackson series! Nor do I own Marvel. I just own this work of fiction.

I hope you guys enjoy this story! Updates will be slow but... you know. It is how it is. Have a great day/night and don't forget to vote/comment!

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