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I don't remember much about my childhood but that WE used to be happy. Dad would make time for me and we would go to his garage and we would work on his drone. He was a robotic technician, always going on and on about how robots were amazing. The impeccable things they could do. Me on the other hand, Well… I don't know who I take after. My mom is a shopaholic and all I ever did was go to my tree house and paint as much as I can if I wasn't spending time with my father.

Everything used to be good until one fateful day I would never forget. Dad came back from a workshop only to change for the worst. He started drinking. He would beat my mom until one day she decided enough was enough she LEFT, I understood her need to leave but what I don't get is why leave me behind? I mean why would she. What's worse she left on my birthday. It's like the day is cursed. Everything bad happens on my birthday that I literally have no control over.

To Be Honest I Was Hurt And A Tad Bit Relieved When Father Mentioned I Was To Get Married Because It Meant I Was To Get Out Of This Unhappy Family ...

Little did I know that i'm leaving earth going straight to hell… I
I had hoped getting married would be the end of a misery I called life only to walk in a den of lions. Im literally walking straight to them roaring hungry lions and that seems to be the only way to go.

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