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I woke up with a mother of all headaches. Took my phone from the nightstand and checked the time ,I was a little early so decided to sleep a little until my phone buzzed with a read

:morning beautiful-cavin

I found myself smile and returned the text ,it wasn't until I checked the time and saw that it was close to ten and my stomach growling I realised that I was hungry and I need to get the hell up ,I made my way to the kitchen to try and make breakfast ,I was gonna settle for just cereal when I saw the note on the fridge from lolita saying my breakfast is in the microwave and to have a safe trip that I realised

"shit I haven't even started packing anything yet",

I quickly went to pack as formal and presentable clothes as I can ..

After all the running around I was doing I was only left with two hours to get to the airport since the drive there was almost an hour away I decided to leave right now ,I got the shock of my life when I went downstairs and saw an all too familiar range rover park outside...

I tried to pretend that I didn't notice and call a cab but Roy got out quickly and took my bag without a word and put it the car trunk and another guy I don't know grabbed me by my arm and led me to the back of the car ,my heart was racing a mile a minute I didn't anticipate this especially not today when I looked to my side Carl wasn't even paying attention to me he was busy on his phone doing God knows

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