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It was now time to write, I must say it was a bit tricky but I gave it my best .the last few days have been hard on me.

Carl and and I  moved out to his apartment and we sleep in separate rooms whilst Matt and I  have become way closer than before ,we tell each other everything and I must say,it's pretty nice having to talk to someone about your issues and they don't judge you ,lately I've been spending too much time at Lolita's in order to  avoid having to bump into Carlos by any chance.

I think his parents realised that there's some tension since they never said a think during the countless dinners we've had with Carl n I not saying a thing to each other.

I'd literally give him the cold shoulder, he once asked I pass him some salt n I pretended as if I didn't hear him ,he asked for it again and I just up and left the table since I was nearly done with my food

***********back to today****************

We finished writing and since I wasn't wearing appropriate clothes for work I called an uber home ,took a shower, wore my undergarments since today was a Friday ,we get to wear smart casual so I settled for a white high jean ,peach blouse and gold sandals, fixed my hair into a neat bun,wore pearl earrings ,and a Gucci gold watch ...don't ask me where I get girly clothes from ...blame Mrs Grace.

Since I had time left to spare I texted Matt and lexy asking them to grab lunch since we going  together ,they responded agreeing so I took my phone and apartment keys plus my card and headed downstairs.

I took my time heading downstairs because matt wasn't about to  come till a few  minutes so I slowly walked to the elevator playing a game on my phone.

when I got to the elevator a message pinged on my phone was a text from Mrs Grace 'tell Carl to pick up his phone' it said shit I said to myself.

Before I could respond it rang ,lucky it was Matt saying they downstairs so I just got into the elevator and went to them.

I hugged them and we went to Matt's car and he drove to a restaurant.
I thought of calling Carl but then decided against it because I don't think I'm ready to talk to him as yet ,but then it's Mrs Grace here ,Carl's mother I need to  put my pride aside and talk to him but then if he didn't answer his mothers calls what makes me think that he's going to  answer mine?.
So I decided I just forward the message to him .

we had our lunch making small talks here and there ..who am I kidding these two were busy making jokes and I was just laughing  my ass off. I never knew what having friends feels like, Luu is more of a brother than a friend.

We finished, paid then left for office 
When we got there people were busy doing up and downs it was chaotic.

"what's going on here?" Matt asked one girl who works on our floor.

"The boss is here" she said grabbing her files walking with us to the elevator

" hey Maddie" I grated her

"looking good today Bells" she said, adding a wink to it.

"so  if the boss is here it means everything has to be chaotic?" lexy asked looking at everyone going crazy.

"The girlfriend is bossy" Maddie answered.

"he came with his girlfriend to work ?" Wow….

"yep" She said popping the
P. "but he is damn is finnnnnnne, a total wet dream"

"you don't say" lexy counted back.

"I'm telling you"

Lexy started fixing her dress and hair
Matt and  I just laughed because trust us ,there's no stopping these two once they start talking about boys so we  decided we leave them  and go to our work station.

When we got there we were met by a pile of work ,I put my things down and decided to flip through the files ,it look like previous projects that never seemed to work or were just a pointer away from working

Intercom:Matthew Black ,Joshua Colby, Alexander john ,Vanessa Williams and Isabella Jenkins please report to the boardroom in 30 minutes  with the files on your desk" ....ohkay!!! Matt and I just looked at each other
Lexy came rushing to us

"fuck what's going on ?" she had a panicked look on her.
Matt pointed at her desk while I shrugged my shoulders
"so big boss wants to  see us?"

She had that naughty look on her

"child stop please"


"forget it "

I continued to look at the files because I knew they won't stop now.

Later on we packed our things and went to the boardroom, when we got there we were the only once so we waited making small talk turns out Joshua's a clown ,we were busy laughing that we didn't realise that someone walked in

"ayt peeps let's get down to business" the person said.

When I turned to look who that person was I regretted everything about today.

"ooh fuck me"

I said releasing a very loud and heavy sigh

I seriously couldn't fathom what was really happening ,my day heck! make it life just got ruined ,just when I thought things are going my way the devil just had to block my path ....oooh Jesus
I just felt Matt's hand on mine ,I looked up at him with almost teary eyes

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