Scoops Troop

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Imagine: Being apart of The Scoops Troop and being Steve's girlfriend

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Imagine: Being apart of The Scoops Troop and being Steve's girlfriend.

"God you guys are slow." You joked with them

"I'm only walking slow to get a better look at that ass." Steve said

Dustin and Robin laughed, Erica faked gagged, while you smacked him on the arm.

"Steve!" You whisper yelled at him

"I'm sorry am I not allowed to look at something that mine." He tried to defend himself

"Its attached to my body." You said

"And your body is all mine." He said then kissed you

"Alright lovebirds we have a mission." Dustin said

Steve grabbed your hand and continued walking.

A Stranger Things And It Gif/Regular ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now