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Imagine: You have loved Bill since that one fateful summer.

There you sat,in the crowd looking up at the front of the church. Bill looked back at you and you gave him a little smile.

You and Bill had stay close while everyone else had gone their separate ways. Today was Bill's wedding and you felt that if you didn't tell him how you felt today then you'd never do it again. Little did you know the other losers were there to witness the whole thing.

They said their vows and everything. Your blood was raising and your nerves were extremely high.

"Any objections?" The priest asked

You stood up and threw your hand in the air. "Bill,I have loved you since that summer, that, that summer when we almost died and killed that clown, that summer when you were by my side more than my own parents, that summer when kissed. It seemed like nothing to you but it meant everything to me. Bill I've been so deeply in love with you since we were thirteen." You said and everyone looked at you

"Y/N." Bill said

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, continue on and just know it's always been you, when you doubted if it was you or Richie, it was always you." With that being you turned and walked out the church

"Y/N!" The losers yelled and followed behind you

You ran as fast as you could out of the church and ran all the way to the alleyway by the pharmacy you sat down on a milk crate and just cried your eyes out.

"Y/N!" Beverley yelled as the other losers pulled in behind her

"Bev? Guys?" What are you doing here?" You asked

"What the fuck was that back there?" Eddie asked

"It was a mistake! I should have known that it was a stupid idea! Why would Bill Denbrough, the guy I've been in love with since we were thirteen ever feel the same!" You yelled

"Y/N." Bill said stepping forward

"I'm sorry I ruined your wedding." You apologized looking into his eyes

"Its you." He said

"What do you mean?" Stan asked

"Yes please elaborate." Ben said

"I fell- I've felt the same since we were thirteen, and maybe even before." Bill said

You didnt day anything you just walked up to him and kissed him.

A Stranger Things And It Gif/Regular ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now