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⚠️Warning: This is sad and has mentions of suicide⚠️

⚠️Warning: This is sad and has mentions of suicide⚠️

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Imagine: El was your best friend out of everyone. You had been struggling with depression and your parents were abusive, you couldn't take it anymore.

El looked at the note you wrote for her. She never read it, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Will finally convinced read it since it had been a few months since you passed.

Dear El,
I'm so sorry. I didn't want to end things like this but I could take it anymore, it was hard to be around everyone and act like I was fine. I was broken and needed fixing but no one could fix me the way I needed to be fixed. You were by far my best friend out of everyone, you were by my side through everything I did, my first breakup, my first period (That was awkward), telling Will my feelings, and so many more amazing and awkward moments. I left something for you with Will, I told him to give it to you once you read the letter. Just know I'm always with you, made not in flesh but always in your heart. I love you forever and always.


El finished reading and started crying more, Will walked in he room and gave her a little box. She opened it and inside was a necklace shaped like a heart with E+Y/F/I (your first initial) = BFF, a picture of the two of you dancing around Hopper's cabin in your pajamas.

She smiled at the box while looking at the picture remembering all the good memories.

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