Life is Fluid (Pt 1)

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Hank's POV

Walking up the stairs to Intelligence I was reminded that I was to assess the new detective coming in today to help on the case and if she was good possibly take Erin's place now that she is no longer part of this unit.

As I reached the top step all my detectives eyes were on me "Alright , today we have a case but first we have a newbie coming in and I need to assess her therefore I need my office quiet and clear , if you have any questions or concerns go talk to Al" They all nodded and returned to what they had been previously doing.

I walked into my office to find the newbie's file laying on my desk courtesy of Trudy Platt. After finding out the details of the case we are about to take lead on I felt that it would be safer if we had another body. So I contacted narcotics asking for their best officer and it looks like they're sending me L/N...Y/N L/N. Hmm last name sounds familiar.

I then placed the file down on my desk as my phone began to ring. Picking it up I answered.

"Hey Trudy" I said 

"Hank , that newbies down here for her assessment" She said

"Alright send her up" I said hanging up the phone and going to my office door leaning on the doorframe.

"Okay everyone she's coming up" I said to my detectives and watched as they all sat up straight hearing a woman's voice along Trudy's while I stared at the ground.

"Just up here" I heard Trudy say 

"Okay thank you" I heard another woman say kindly before hearing one set of footsteps come up the rest of the stairs.

'Woah" I heard Antonio mumble causing me to shoot a glare his way before looking up seeing the newbie.

My eyes widened a little but I kept my face straight as I stood up fully. I watched as she looked around the office before her e/c  eyes met my own.

"Y/N L/N?" I asked although I already knew it was her.

She seemed to shrink in on herself a little bit but clearing her throat and holding her head up high "Yes sir" She said and I gestured towards my office causing her to nod and make her way towards me and inside.

"Okay everyone, back to work" I said before shutting the door and closing the blinds on the windows.



Oh my god. I'm in intelligence and being offered a position in a case. This is already so much better than narcotics.. assholes. 

"Okay everyone, back to work" I heard the Sergeant say before he shut the doors and blinds snapping me out of my thoughts. I watched silently as he made his way around his desk ad sat down in his chair opening up my file.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, my name's Hank Voight" He said.

He gave off an intimidating but gentle vibe , I'm not quite sure how to accurately describe it.

"Nice to me you too" I said politely.

"So tell me, why are you interested in Intelligence?" He asked me and I honestly had to think hard about my answer. I didn't feel like I could just tell him that everyone at narcotics treated me like garbage because oh hey my dad was a really well know sex offender. I mentally slapped myself before smiling kindly at the sergeant in front of me.

"Well sir, I've always wanted to work in the field and unfortunately for me that was not possible within my old unit as you've seen in my file. Knowing this my supervisor sent me up here once you asked them for another body in order to help with the Derek Keys case." I answered. It was half the truth the rest was just super personal and something Hank didn't need to know for now. I wasn't ready to be treated like garbage again just yet.

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