Life is Fluid (Part 3)

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Hank POV

Seeing Y/N sitting in the back of an ambulance covered in blood is extremely unsettling...but let us tell you how we got here...


Seeing Erin come up those stairs after giving me her badge back really set me off. She thinks she can leave the team, stab us all in the back and then when her little boyfriend gets kidnapped come back and stick her nose in our case? I don't think so.

My eyes were locked on her before I turned towards Y/N who was staring at me waiting for something to happen. 

"You.. go get suited up."

I then turned to Antonio 

"And you.." I pointed towards Erin "Get her out of here."

"Hank-" I heard her say and that's when my anger got to somewhat of a breaking point..

"You gave your star back! Or don't you remember?" I asked turning to look at her, anger clear on my face.

"Can we please just talk?" she asked.

She was beginning to really get on my nerves. We didn't have time for this.

"You know, you made it clear what direction you wanna go in which is down. I've accepted that. Now get out" I said making my way towards her.

 I couldn't stop the slightest amount of venom from entering my words. After everything I had done for her she stabbed me in the back and went back to the life I worked so hard to keep her from. 

Eventually I gave in... and Erin and I made our way into my office.



After the little scene in the office between Hank and the woman I now known as Erin Lindsay , Al had lead me down to where the cage was to help me get suited up for the tradeoff. I had just put the box of "CI files" in my car when Al came around the corner.

"Here" He said handing me a ceramic knife.

"I thought I was supposed to go in with no weapons." I said tilting my head

He chucked and gently put the knife in my hand 

"Just take it , it's so if anything happens you aren't completely naked."

I smiled brightly at my teammate and reached behind myself placing it in the waistband of my pants. It actually now made me feel a lot more secure having it there compared to having absolutely nothing. 


When we arrived at the destination, I drove and parked in the exact spot while the rest of the team parked a little while away but where they could still see me, that way we wouldn't be made and the tradeoff could happen without a hitch. I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous and I knew that Hank was going to be evaluating me and deciding whether or not I could stay as part of this unit. After taking the box of files out of my car, I placed them on the ground and then it was time to wait.

Not too long after a black SUV showed up...THE black SUV that took Jay.

A guy got out of the SUV with what looked like a metal detector and began to run it up and down my body obviously checking for weapons. To which he found none.

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