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Chapter trigger warning ⚠: proceed with caution

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I scream at the top of my lungs in horror again leaving me breathless and my voice hoarse.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I had just been standing outside a little after sunset, enjoying the cooling air for a little bit.

Until something just swept me up out of nowhere. I didn't even get to take a good look at it either.

Whatever it was knocked all the air right out of me, making it difficult to even piece together words for a while, it was that forceful.

Now being jostled around like crazy made it difficult to even orient where exactly I am headed to. Its a lot like what I imagine being tossed on top of a runaway horse that is taking me on a wild ride to god knows where.

We had returned to the bunker not long after the scary night that we experienced in the town we stopped at, thinking it would be safer at the bunker for the time being.

Joseph hadn't wanted to leave his heavy blanket for the last couple of days. His eyes were wide with fear and I tried my best to leave him alone so that he could recuperate on his own time.

I had been making his meat into the perfect squares that he prefers so much along with the his favorite cactus fruit growing out back but he barely ate. I had hoped that comforting him would help speed his healing process, I guess not. The other two are as chipper as they can ever be. Junior and Ruth were up to their usual shenanigans and were fighting incessantly.

I just wanted a small reprieve from the hectic week that was thrown my way.

My eyes water and tears soon stream down the glistening skin below me.

Joseph.....Junior......Ruth.....please survive without me.

I was so stupid. I had grown too complacent thinking we were safe here.

I try to look around but as soon as I do, my head smacks against the hard sticky flesh of the thing that captured me.

The ground and the sky around me spun in a fast merry go round fashion.

I felt an uncomfortable tickle in the back of my throat and my stomach churned. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my own breathing.

Throwing up will probably piss off whatever's got me and I don't want to anger it, yet.

There is a hunters knife in my holster that I always carry with me but because of the way I am being handled, its difficult to get to it.

I will have to wait until the thing stops and I get an opportunity to un holster the knife. I am not even sure if I will be able to defend myself against it though.

Its unbelievably fast, strong, and from the height I am currently looking down from, tall.

What time is it..... How long have we been traveling and at what speed?

I can only pray that I will get out of this mess and the best I can hope for is a quick painless death if I can't get away.

The thing stops suddenly without warning and I feel light headed. Oh, god....not good.

I sway in the air from the momentum of the high speed run. My stomach somersaults.

Oh, PLEASE don't throw up. Don't throw up. DON'T throw up.

I hear a deep sniff and a gentle clicking sound. My hair swishes to one side and I feel something playing with the loose curls flung around my head.

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