pg 5

770 20 14

Long Chapter warning: some spicy scenes that are inappropriate for younger audiences.

We have been waking up together recently since then and setting out to do our daily living routine.

He had started leaving the door open aka unlocked.

His curiosity and childlike playfulness for the natural surroundings surprises me. Witnessing him on more than one occasion hunting down some small critter that had his attention then eating it experimentally among other things.

I have grown use to his feedings after the hunt though.

Time is running shorter and shorter as I get to know him better. I am unsure of the measure of my stay with him. Day, weeks, months? Its hard to tell.

As I sit next to the warmth of the fire staring at our dinner. I feel like I'm missing something.

Joseph.......joseph always was generous with his physical affection when he wanted to be. Even though I am not alone, I feel lonely. The adrenaline and the fear of this new companion was keeping my priorities in survival mode. Now that the newness has passed I crave for something more.

A discussion, a conversation, an argument, a swapping of ideas and I cant do any of that with him. Our conversations are mostly a complex game of charades between us.

Geez I'm desperate for some sort of intellectual stimulation. It was easy to get different kinds of interactions from my siblings. Junior is more of a conversationalist than anything else while Ruth is more about arguing that her ideas where correct and then finally Joseph who was mostly hungry for some learning and sharing ideas. They never made me feel lonely just annoyed and loved.

Not to mention more intimate Physical touch. I just want a hug or to lean on somebody completely platonically. A human touch to heal the soul you might say. I don't know if I want to tiptoe that line with him just yet and I am unsure of the Pandora's box of problems I will open if he expects more than what I am willing to give in terms of affection. Which is why its a slippery slope that is best left alone right now.

So for this simple reason I haven't tried.

Our days together have been peaceful so far. Our cooperation in doing menial tasks has benefitted us both too.

Sometimes I sweep while he makes rope from raw material.

Other times he teaches me to make it and runs off to do something else on the outside.


Sometimes he seems to appreciate my help by wanting to show affection but stops short at almost patting my head, letting his hand hover above my head. I have been kind of tempted to just push my head into his hand.

Bridging the distance between us and initiating something close to friendship. But we both know it would somehow be inappropriate changing the true nature of our situation.

Everything seemed fine for the longest time.

We were getting along fine, I helped out, there was no tension between us whatsoever.

So I was surprised when one day he just got up all agitated.

What the hell?!

I didn't notice it at first since the morning started out pretty normal. Until he kind of slapped my hand away when we started walking down the tunnel. I needed his hand to walk in the dim light. Not only did I end up scrapping my knees from falling down several times. I almost lost him in the tunnel!

When we got to the outside he left me at the entrance. Not for minutes but for hours.

I had to get to the well then the bathroom all on my own.

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