Call it a Vacation

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You flipped the license back over. Just like Shanks had said, it was marked with the information. A part had been added near the bottom in big, bold letters.

Non-human: V

"So they just use a letter to identify the type?" You asked as you handed the card back to Mihawk.

The home was his and after some bickering with Shanks, he'd let you all in. Now you all sat in his library as he was filled in on the still developing issue.

"Yes." Mihawk answered simply as he sipped from his glass. The fact that it was blood didn't bother you, it was more how thick it was and the thought of were it came from that did.

"Can I see yours?" You asked Shanks.

"Sure." He was grinning mischievously as he fished around for it in his wallet and handed it over.

You were surprised to see the same part missing on his card. As you furrowed your brows and carefully checked over all the details, you still couldn't find anything.

"You don't have it on yours." You quickly gave in when you realized it wasn't anywhere on the card.

"Nope, I haven't come across a time when I needed to make myself obvious, so I haven't. As far as the government is concerned, I'm human."

"...But you aren't." You said.


"So what are you?"

"You know that question is rude? Asking one of our kind to give up our identity is such a human thing to do." Mihawk said gruffly.

"How am I supposed to know that?" You felt yourself blush. It was no wonder Shanks laughed the first time you asked them that at the bar.

"To answer your question," Shanks was grinning, amused. "I want to see if you can figure it out."

You thought for a moment. He hadn't given you much to work with yet but he'd let more slip the longer you were around him, you were sure of it.

Mihawk had managed to assure you this wasn't some attempt at kidnapping and you were relaxed enough to actually talk to them more normally. So far, you hadn't really touched on what the plan was for keeping you in check, but you'd revisit that soon.

"Well, I know you aren't a vampire, you said as much when we first met. You can do the glamor trick, so that means you can't be any kind of were-animal.....and that's about all I have right now."

"It's a good start." He chuckled. "And all correct so far."

"Speaking of were-animals...." Mihawk sighed. "I'd like this taken care of so I can get you all out of my house. I didn't want guests."

Benn snickered quietly from his spot by the large bay window. He was staring outside but still listening intently to the conversation.

"I'd like to go home so there's that." You agreed with Mihawk.

"You can't. Not until this is done at least." Shanks shook his head.

"So what, I stay with complete strangers?"

"Oh come on, we aren't complete strangers." He objected.

"Here's how we'll take care of this." Mihawk raised his voice sharply. "We weren't quick enough to keep you from harm and though you shouldn't have been in that part of town, it is the supernatural's job to keep the normal safe. You will stay here until we can get you adjusted and we will find someone to accompany you with your first shift. All the land here is mine and will suffice for this purpose."

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