One of Many

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Mihawk was able to find the kitsune within a couple days, much to your relief, and to make it better, he was able to convince her to help just as fast. You didn't bother asking how he did it after Shanks had mentioned her dislike of getting involved in things like this but you were pretty sure he found a way to pressure her into taking the job. At least she'd be compensated for it.

In the mean time, you and Shanks managed to throw together a haphazard plan for getting you out of the apartment. It was decided that your human form, though more physically adept in many more ways than before, would still be too noticable in an attempted escape. It'd be a risk, but you decided that the shifting process was quiet enough that you could do it in the apartment and then slip out a back window with Shanks. You'd have to force an early change but with it being on the evening of the full moon, that wouldn't be difficult.

The second it was dark, you'd shift and leave, head out the back window over your kitchen sink and drop down the the alley below. You were on the third floor but Shanks had assured you a drop like that wouldn't hurt you, especially in your cat form.

The space wasn't under watch and it would continue to stay that way on the fast approaching night of the full moon. The issue was, you would have to slip through a couple different side streets to get to a vehicle Benn would have waiting for you and Shanks. There'd be at least one place where you'd be in view of the government car parked in front of the apartment complex and if you were seen, it'd lead to a chase. But that's where the kitsune would come in.

According to Mihawk, she was a woman named Porche and she was an excellent shapeshifter. She'd take on your form and go out to confront the government guys, raise hell about them stalking you, and take their attention long enough for you to get away. They'd think she was you and you'd be able to slip away. Easy.

Mihawk had been meeting up with her to fill her in on your mannerisms and any information she'd need in case they decided to question her while you and Shanks continued your daily lives like nothing was going on. You both would go to your day jobs, plan in your free time, and when you were done with that, you'd take care of his needs.

True to your word, you had yet to get tired of it and needless to say, he was impressed with it. Your favorite times were when he'd completely let loose and his more demonic appearance would slip into his human one. You'd never seen the full form, just glimpses of what it was supposed to be. So far, you'd seen sharpened teeth, a large, impressive set of sweeping horns, claws, and sometimes, you'd be able to catch sight of pitch black skin with red undertones that showed up when the light hit them just right. The one time you'd managed to touch the darker skin, you were surprised by how it felt.

It always looked shiney, slick almost and it was just as soft to the touch, but it felt like smooth scales, like you'd touched a serpent. He was a little more conscious of his incubus appearance and often tried to keep parts of it under wraps but lucky for you, he was slowly allowing himself to relax about showing off his inhuman parts to you.

And while the sex stayed wonderful and the plan for keeping what you were hidden from the government was beginning to form, there were still a couple issues. One hadn't presented itself until today but the first had been a problem from the get go. You still needed a way to ensure that if they found out you weren't in your apartment, you'd be able to stay safe the rest of the night.

Mihawk's property was still the preferred hunting spot but you wouldn't be surprised if the men investigating you and Shanks decided to sweep through that area along with a few others. They knew he and Mihawk were friends and it wouldn't take a genius to figure out the forest surround his home was a prime area for shifters and therefore, you. You needed some kind of cushion or different area to go to in case things fell apart.

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