Chapter 10. Scratching the itch.

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Cadence felt restless. Her legs were twitching and her hands were fidgety. She had no idea as to why.

The usual food deliveries arrived, but nothing more.

It had seemed like weeks, but it was probably just days, maybe even hours since Marcus had burst through the door.

Cay couldn't sleep. She couldn't settle.
'What's up with me?' She thought to herself.

When she heard a knock at the door, her heart jumped into her throat.
But it was only Brian with her latest food tray. Her heart plummets down to her navel.

Brian glanced at her restless stance and retreated back to the door.
"I'm sorry love, but what whatever 'Jeramy Kyle' stuff is going on, I'm not the man to air it to." Brain said, leaving the tray by the door.

'What is wrong with me?' She gave herself a mental slap. She must look like a crazed lunatic! Or some toothless benefit scrounger, like the ones that appeared in that show.
Either way, it wasn't good.

'I'm fed up with this now. I'm fed up with the excuses and lies. These strange feelings pulsating through me make me want to scratch chunks out of my skin.
The frustration is unbearable, having to watch while other men paw all over her.' Marcus grumbled to himself, while anger coursed through his veins.
He too was restless, and even more impatient than usual. It mixed with something else that had seeped into his blood. Something thicker and harder to ignore.

'I'm like an addict, craving her presence 24/7. Why can't I keep her to myself? Oh yeah! My dad runs this baby factory, that's why!' He seethed to himself.

Marcus had put himself on her schedule today. He couldn't stop himself. He had covered her for the entire day too.
It was probably not going to go unnoticed, but he didn't care anymore.

Marcus knocked on her door and entered. Not sparing a moment.
He was met by the broadest smile he'd ever seen from her, and it made his stomach do somersaults.

It was all the cue he needed, to walk over and grab her face in his hands.
He kissed her intensely, and was relieved to feel her reciprocating.
She wanted her fix just as much as him.

He needed to feel her lips against his.
He needed to feel her body pressed against him.
He needed her, and he wanted more.

He wanted to feel her body under his hands.
He wanted to feel her breasts in his palms.
He wanted to feel his fingers inside her.
He wanted her, free and writhing in pleasure.

Marcus practically ran over to kiss her.
'Was this what I needed to cure my restlessness? Him?' But her thoughts pale into insignificance.
Her body relaxed into him, and she gave in.

'Yes, this is what I craved. I don't care if it's some sort of trauma induced psychosis. I want to feel, feel something other than pain and disgust.' Her thoughts whisked her out of the imprisonment. For a moment, she almost felt free.

Cadence's hands snaked round his waist, then climbed up to his back. She could feel his thick muscles under his shirt.
He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him, as he carried her to the bed.

Their lips barely separated, their hands roaming and exploring.
Cadence pulled at the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head.
His chest was magnificent. Broad muscles created perfect valleys in his skin.

Her hands skimmed down his arms, and she felt the same muscular ridges. He was hard yet soft, an oddly satisfying juxtaposition.
She leaned up to kiss him again, unable to resist the taste.

Cay's hands pulled on the waistband of his trousers, desperately, yet his hand moved on top of them.

"Shhh, no rush." He whispered in her ear, and she felt like she was melting at his words.

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