Chapter 15. Life & Death.

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It had been about two weeks now and Cadence still hadn't found the courage to tell Marcus.
Jay had given her a few choice words in the meantime.
He was angry that she hadn't told Marcus, but Cadence just couldn't find the right words, or the right moment. Her worries were eating her up inside.

She was not ready to be a mother, but she still felt an urge to protect this defenceless child.
Neither did she want her baby born in here. She had no way of guaranteeing its safety. Yet, she had little choice.
If neither of them died in the process, it would be probably be torn from her arms at birth, hopefully off to a better life.
Cadence just didn't know what was right anymore.

Luckily, she had been able to use her tricks to keep her safe from her unwanted visitors. Cadence had no idea if these visits would harm the baby.
Sex education at school didn't cover rape after conception.
Despite her efforts, Cadence didn't know how long she could keep this tension under wraps.

Her salvation arrived to fill her with peace. Her and Marcus simply laid on bed in silence, while Marcus stroked her arm tenderly.

Cadence couldn't talk. She just need to feel his soothing touch. It was like he ironed out the creases of her stress.

He leaned over and kissed her, but Cadence pulled away. 'I can't do this right now. I just want to lie in his arms. I don't want anymore sex!' She groaned to herself.

"I can't do this now." She begged Marcus.

When Cadence pulled away, Marcus felt a touch of rejection.
It was only a kiss. There wasn't much time left to do anything else. Her next visit was scheduled to arrive in half an hour.

Something was wrong. She had been acting strange and distant for a fortnight. What was the problem? Didn't she want him anymore? She still seemed to enjoy the food and the embraces. Was it that he'd cut her out of his life those few weeks ago? Did she resent him and was trying to punish him?

"What's the problem Cadence?" He asked frustratedly.

"Nothing!" She blurted out "I just don't want to do this right now, I'm tired."

'Bullshit!' He said to himself. He knew she'd slept for hours last night.
Marcus had to start his shift not long after she fell asleep. She hadn't stirred when he left.
He had even come back a few hours later with food. He had tried to wake her, but she just mumbled something and turned over. He'd given up and gone back to his work.

'Why won't she talk to me? What is she hiding?' Marcus wondered. It was definitely something.

"I know something's wrong. Tell me!" He demanded.

"No!" She said stubbornly, not ready to explain.

"Fine, don't then! Maybe you can tell your next client!" He said savagely, walking out.
He slammed the door behind him and stomped off to the staff kitchen.
If she didn't want him around, then fine, but he needed a drink.
There was still some JD left in the cupboard.

Cay had wanted to tell him, but when ever she tried, the words became a jumbled mess in her head. They had no beginning or end. The ball of terrifying words rolled around her head, never stopping.
'Will he not care about the baby and want to give it up? Will he be angry and abandon me?' So many scenarios ran through her mind.

'I hate this place! I hate being here! I shouldn't be going through this! It's not fair!' Cadence screamed inside her head, as tears cascaded down her face.

But the sinister rattle of the door lock tore her from her troubles.
No knock meant this was menacing. The person coming in now wanted more than polite conversation or to deliver food.
The fear of the unknown gripped her throat.

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