
427 25 1

Edited: 10/15
10:24 am

Forest felt dirty as he quickly gets dressed again. He felt dirty watching the man leave the cell fixing his pants. He felt dirty knowing he probably could've done something to prevent that. When he hears the door close he grabs the phone calling Sage.

"Please help" He cries.

"Hey hey. It's okay. We're so close, so close. He's still not awake"

"No he's never gonna wake up" Forest had come to that conclusion a day ago.

"Hey Forest, don't talk like that okay. We're so close I promise. We just need at least one more push then we're...I don't want to say falling because that might sound horrific"

Forest lets out a watery giggle. Sage smiles some. "Did you do what I said?" Forest looks over at the stacks of stale bread.


"Okay prince. You'll start this time okay" Every time Sage calls they play a guess the Disney Character to get Forest mind off of everything.

"O-okay. Uhm...it's a tall tower. covered with g-green leaves and-and in the tower is a girl. Woman, lady, ma'am person. Woman. No person. No, it's a girl. Lady, she's not young. I don't think so. But anyway. She-she paints. and-and she has very very long hair. She also has a pan she hits her savior with"

"Hm" Sage thinks.

"Is it Cinderella?"

"No silly" Forest giggles.

"Really it's not. Is it sleeping beauty?"

"No" Forest giggles more.

"Aw I thought I got it that time. Uh let's see. It has to be Rapunzel."

"Yes" Forest claps giggling. Sage smiles.

"Tell me more about Rapunzel"

"O-okay. She has a pet and-and her mother is very very horrible. No she's not her mother. She was a-a witch who took her from her mother. So now her mothers sad. But-but her hair is weally weally stwong and and she p'ays in the gwass for the first time. And-and she was all happy. She can keep a lot of things in her hair"

"Like what?"

"L-like..a bwush, a pan..probably a tv."

"A tv? Isn't that too big"

"No" Forest giggles, shaking his head. "It is not too big. She can watch tv wherever she goes"

"What would she watch?"

"I don't know," Forest giggles.

Sage chuckles.

"S-someone's opening door"

"Okay baby is it that Ant guy" The ant guy was Grant.


"Okay hide the phone until you know he's alone" Forest does as he was told.

Grant closes the door then walks down breathing out. "Here. Its fries" Forest crawls forward.


"Y-yes Ummer"

"Give him the phone."

"Okay" Forest hands Grant the phone.

"Sage?" Forest takes the fries and sits watching him. "Okay. It has to be tuesday" Grant speaks.

"That's too long"

"...it's in three days" Grant deadpans.

"Too long" Sage growls. Grant sighs, glancing at the door.

"Please. it has to be. You have to make sure you do not start anything until they leave the house. He will use them as bait. Left side. The third window down is always unlocked" Sage writes this down showing Akira who nods.

"What else?"

"How many of you are there?" Grant questions.


"Two on the left side. Two on the right. One could be in the front and another making sure he doesn't escape. He will if he finds out he can't fight back. So keep extra men at the back of the house."

"Okay, why Tuesday?"

"The only reason is tuesday. Is because his daughter comes over so he acts 'normal'"

"He has a daughter?"

"Yes...he abuses her and rapes her behind closed doors. So she is also my top priority to get out the house"


"I gotta go someone's coming" Grant hangs up, sliding the phone to Forest who takes it now in a bigger headspace. He crawls back.

"Like a little bitch" Grant growls making it seem like he was insulting him.

The man chuckles.

"Good work. Come on. Its a group fuck thing" The man said ruffling Grant's hair and pulling him closer. Grant grimaces but does nothing.

They leave and Forest looks over at Izaiah feeling as if he had no more tears to shed.

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