Early Bird Gets the Worm

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Diamond sighs as she carries a few boxes out of the stockroom and onto the sales floor of King's. It is still early in the morning, so the shop is not busy yet. She is in charge of putting new merchandise out on the shelves. It seems like she is in charge of just about everything.

As much as she hates to admit it, this job is fairly relaxing. She has no phone and no social life, so the peace and quiet does her justice. No one can bother her, which she really likes. There is no drama. She will never admit to her grandparents that she actually tolerates the job.

Most of the customers are regulars, but there have been a lot of tourists visiting. The tourists come to the shop to buy souvenirs and postcards. Some tourists even buy groceries.

Diamond has met some interesting folks so far. She has met people from Chicago, St. Louis, Houston, and Sacramento—it is endless. She has gotten into some pretty interesting conversations, as well. So yeah, this job isn't all bad.

The bell at the top of the door rings when someone walks through. As usual, Diamond doesn't bother to look at the person. She knows who it is soon enough when he clears his throat.

"How are ya this mornin'?" Baylor asks.

"Good." She looks up from her work and then says. "You?"

She inwardly sighs. She really is not in the mood for small talk. She does not know why he is so into having conversations that do not benefit him.

"I'm doin' just fine. I'm about to go fishin' with my grandpa." He smiles. "Getting out early. You know what they say, early bird catches the worm."

"Where are you from?" She ignores his statement. His southern accent is so strong. Sometimes she has to intently listen to him to understand what he is saying.

"Uh, Tennessee." He chuckles.

"Oh." She nods her head. "Your accent is strong."

"What do you like to do for fun?" This time he ignores her and asks a question of his own.

"Apparently sit in the house with my grandparents and do nothing." She sarcastically says.

"You should come fishin' with us sometime. I'll teach ya." He smiles.

"Thanks, but no thanks." She shakes her head.

He just nods his head and walks away. A few seconds later he comes back with some fishing bait in his hands. Diamonds walks over to the cash register to ring him out.

"So, you go fishing all the time, but you don't have any bait?" She quizzes him and there is a challenging look in his sky blue eyes.

"Like I said, early bird gets the worm." He charmingly smiles. He takes the bait and walks away, but not before saying, "have a good day, Diamond."


Okay Baylor is low key flirting and I think it is sooooo cute.

The picture above is of Anthony, Baylor's friend. Just pretend that he has a buzz cut/fade whatever you guys wanna call it lol.

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