The Slip Up

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Denki's Pov:

Mr. Aizawa was teaching the class a lesson on something or other. He made it out to be something that we would use for the rest of our lives, something important. But that doesn't mean that I was listening to whatever he was teaching.

I listened a little bit in the beginning, and it seemed to just be more historical things, not like I didn't already know all that. After all, I was the smartest in the room, but of course nobody actually knew that.

I was staring off into space when my train of thoughts was interrupted, "Alright class, let's move onto math now." Mr. Aizawa stated.

He started to talk about some sort of math, but just like before I wasn't really listening. I was deep in thought, thinking about the events that brought me to be sitting in this chair, everybody thinking I'm the stupid one in class.


I was sitting in an alleyway next to one of the grocery stores close to what was my house. Key word there, "was". My mother kicked me out not too long ago. She thought that I was creepy and a freak.

I don't really blame her though. Right now I am 6 years old, with an IQ of 197. If I was a normal person, I would probably be scared of me too.

Anyway, she left me on the street, with nothing to survive with. I was a little scared if I'm being honest.

But I knew that there were multiple ways that I could get money and things to survive.

I could go and shovel people's driveways when it snows, or I could rake leaves in the fall.

Or I could choose the more "criminal" route. Stealing.

It might just be easier to just steal because, even if I do get money, how many stores are going to let a 6 year old buy things without their guardian present. And if I tell them that I don't have a guardian, then they'll just send me into foster care, or adoption, and I sure as hell didn't want that.

So I guess stealing it is. Well I'm gonna have to learn to pickpocket, because that's probably going to be the easiest way to steal money, there's got to be somewhere that let's me buy things even if I'm a kid.

~Time Skip~

6 Months later.

I've almost completely mastered pickpocketing. I even had enough money to buy myself a small apartment, though it did take a long time convincing the landlord to let me buy it and stay here with parental permission.

I ended up telling her that my parents kicked me out, and that I didn't want to go into the foster system. She agreed to let me stay after that, and she even promised not to tell anyone about my parents situation.

Ever since she let me stay, she has helped me a lot. Once every week she will come up to my apartment and bring enough food for the week, as well as check up on me to make sure everything is alright. I learned that her name was Aiko Tanaka on her first visit.

She has been becoming more and more of a family member. I love her like the mother I never really had, and she loves me like her own son. We have a wonderful relationship that I hope never dies.

I eventually started training because I wanted to get into UA High School. I started to get stronger, even if it was a slow process. I would train everyday.

Usually I would wake up, eat breakfast, go for a run, come back, and train in the gym.

This lasted for a couple of months before I eventually decided to change up my routine a little bit.

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