The Past

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Denki's Pov:

I really enjoyed going to the mall with Izu, I just really enjoy hanging out with him in general, but this time was a lot more fun.

We caused a lot of trouble at the mall. We usually don't go around looking for trouble, but trouble usually finds us instead. This time however, we directly and purposely caused it, cause why not.

We ended up getting kicked out of a few stores, but all in all it was a fun and successful trip.

We headed back to the orms with our items that we did end up buying. I had 2 bags while Izu had 3. We eventually made it back to the dorms, and we headed our separate ways.

I went up to my room and put my things away. After finally putting all my things away, I sat down on my bed, contemplating on what to do now.

I didn't really want to go and bother Izuku again, because we were just together and we only just got back.

I sat there, thinking for about 10 minutes before I finally decided to just take a nap.

I laid down and let myself get consumed by my thoughts.

'Now that I think about it, Izu was acting quite strange today.' I thought to myself, 'Why was he acting like that?'

I wondered about this for a little while until sleep finally came to me.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to the sound of something buzzing.

I looked over at my phone and saw that someone was calling me. I looked at the caller ID and it was Izu, I answered the phone.

"Hey" I said groggily, you could definitely tell that I had just woken up.

He giggled when he heard my voice, the sound was angelic like, it sent heat up to my face, 'That was possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard before' I thought to myself.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked me.

It took me a second for my brain to process what he had asked me, it was still focusing on the giggle he made a second ago, "Yeah, I ended up taking a nap after we got back from the mall" I answered after it processed in my brain.

He hummed, showing his understanding.

"So, what did you need?" I asked after a second of silence.

"Oh!, right, well I was wondering if you wanted to go and get something to eat with me, you know, for dinner?" He asked timidly.

I chuckled at his tone of voice, he sounded so worried.

"Of course, I would love to go with you." I answered, "Where are we going?"

He stayed quiet for a minute before he responded, "How about we go to the new restaurant that opened up down town?" I heard him mutter, as if he was still in thought.

"Yeah that sounds good." I replied after giving it some thought.

"Great, I'll see you later then." He chirped before he hung up.

I sighed, today was going to be a very long day.

~Time Skip To Monday In Class~

I entered the classroom to see everyone looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"How long have you known Deku." I looked over at Izu in time to see him cringe at the nickname they gave him. I started talking before I could think it through.

"Ok, first, please don't call him Deku, he really doesn't like that name, second, I have known him for years, we live together."

It was silent for a while before Uraraka decided to speak up, "But he chose to be called Deku." She said.

"No I didn't, you just kind of started to call me that, and you practically ignored me everytime I told you that I didn't want to be called that, so I eventually just gave up on trying." Izuku butted into the conversation.

Everyone in the class looked down at their feet guiltily, "We're sorry." Kirishima spoke up.

"It's alright, just please stop calling me that, now that you know."

"You said you were living together, kero?" Tsuyu changed the subject.

"Oh, yeah we do live together, and have been for a couple of years actually." I stated.

"Why?" Iida asked.

I looked over at Izuku, almost asking for permission to tell them the truth. He nodded at me, signally that it was ok.

I looked back at the rest of the class, "Well, we don't live with our parents. Our parents both ended up kicking us out at a young age. They were scared of us because we were both so young yet so smart." I said in a sad tone of voice.

We ended up talking to the class for pretty much the whole day, I had a lot of fun.

I was relieved when my first and only friends, other than Izu, didn't leave me after I told them everything about me. But one thing is for sure.

I am happy where I am, and how I am.

I have friends that I pretty much call family, a great place to stay, and many more things.

So, for now, life is good, I can only hope it stays that way.

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