The IQ Test

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Denki's Pov:

I finished the test in about half an hour, "Hey umm, I finished the test." I announced it to the class. I watched as Izu's head popped up from its place on the desk in front of him, probably curious about my IQ.

I couldn't really blame the class for being as curious as they were, I myself was curious about what my IQ was now. After all, I haven't taken the test since I was 6.

We called Nezu down to grade the test, seeing as he was the smartest person in this school at the time. He came after we called, it took him about 15 minutes to get down to the classroom, he must have been doing something before this.

He took the test from me and sat in the back of the class, hopefully to grade the test. Mr. Aizawa ended up going to sleep while waiting for the test to be graded, so the rest of the class just talked to one another.

I went over and started to talk to Izu, after all, he gets me the most out of all the people in this class. He might even get me the most out of all the people on this earth, seeing as I never really got to know my parents, and vice versa.

We had a nice conversation about where we think this discovery is going to lead the class. Our conversation was interrupted when Nezu announced that he had finished grading my test.

He handed me back the test and I saw that I had only gotten a few questions wrong.

"Alright K- someone please wake up Shota, he is going to want to hear this." He interrupted himself before continuing, "Alright, now that you are awake, I will tell you Kaminari's IQ. So Kaminari, you have an IQ of 240. That is beyond the average IQ of a human being." He said, proud that he had someone almost as smart as him that he could talk to.

A couple of gasps could be heard throughout the room though to be honest, his IQ score didn't really surprise me all that much. I knew he was smart after all.

"Wow, that's a really high score!! Pretty manly if I do say so myself." Kirishima exclaimed excitedly.

"But, hey I have another question. Are you going to still hang out with us or are you going to hang out with other people?" Kirishima asked.

Kami stopped to think for a moment, "Of course I'll still hang out with you, that is if you want me to." He answered with a smile on his face.

The "Bakusquad", as they call themselves, all lit up at this, well all of them except Kachan, because he's, well, Kachan.

I watched as they all talked to each other, I couldn't help but be slightly jealous that they were so close to my Kami.



Since when did I consider him mine. I involuntarily blushed at the thought of dating Kaminari, who is also my best friend.

I pushed the thought out of my head and turned back to my friend group, who consisted of Iida, Uraraka, Shoto, and Tsuyu.

We all talked for a while before class ended, I didn't realize that we had spent that much time on finding out Kami's IQ.

We all headed back to the dorms, where I stopped Kami so I could talk to him.

"Hey, would you like to go to the mall with me on Saturday?" I asked.

He smiled at me, "Sure I would love to!" His smile made my heart flutter. I could only stare like an idiot for a couple of seconds before I regained my poster.

I smile back at him, "Ok, I'll meet you at the gates to the school at 12:00, sound good?" I asked.

He nodded before walking away to join his group of friends, I decided to go and chill in my dorm.

~Time Skip To Saturday~

I waited at the gates of the school. It was 11:53, I was wondering when he would come out.

I looked up in time to see him walking out of the doors to the school. And my GOD, was he hot!!

He was wearing a yellow t-shirt with black racing stripes down the arms. He had on some ripped jeans and what looked like a tank top underneath the shirt he was wearing, The only reason I knew that was because his shirt was hanging off of his shoulder, giving me the perfect view of the strap of the tank top.

(What he is wearing, minus the hair tie)

He walked up to me and smiled, "Ready to go?" He asked, although I barely heard it because I was too busy observing his clothes and body. But let's not talk about that.

"Huh?, Oh, yeah, I'm ready, let's go." I replied after I snapped out of my trance-like state.

He smiled at me as we started walking in the direction of the mall.

'Why am I acting like this. My heart skips a beat every time he smiles at me, and sometimes if he just talks!' I thought to myself as we continued walking.

I was confused at why I was acting like this.

Like a snap, it clicked.

....Do I like Denki??

No.. there's no way I like him more than just a friend...right??

I kept debating whether or not this new information was true. I was scared, I knew Denki was gay, so that's not what I was scared of, but I highly doubt that he like me, of all people he could choose.

We finally made it to the mall. We walked inside and Kami turned towards me, "Where do you want to go first?" He asked.

"Um, I don't know, where do you want to go?" I countered back.

He looked like he was thinking before he answered me, "How about we go look for some clothes?" He replied, I nodded.

~Time Skip To After The Mall Trip~

We finally made it back to the dorms. We each had 2 or 3 bags.

We went to our dorms to put all the bags away. I had 3 bags, it was all mostly clothes. I like clothes.

I sat down on my bed and thought over today's events. I had finally concluded that it was indeed true that I had a crush on my best friend. Though I will only admit to a "small" crush.

"What did I get myself into?" 

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