Mr. Tsukauchi

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Denki's Pov:

"What do you mean 'oops', what the hell was that?!?!?!?" Bakugo practically screamed.

I wasn't sure how to answer, so I said the first thing that came to my head, "I don't know??" The way I said it made it sound more like a question than I had originally intended.

"Kaminari, please come with me for a second." Mr. Aizawa interrupted Bakugo before he could yell at me again.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked timidly.

"We're going to go and talk to Principal Nezu." He answered me, completely oblivious to the nervousness in my voice.

I hesitantly got up and started to walk behind him whilst he was leading me to the Principal's office. Nezu has always made me nervous, because I was always afraid he would catch onto my act. He is one of the smartest beings in the world after all.

I really didn't want to be exposed, but because of the mistake I made in class, I fear that there is no other way out of this except to tell them the truth.

......But.... I refuse to give up. I will fight with all that I have left first. I don't want to be outcasted again, just like I was in my previous schools.

In my previous schools, I was outcasted, bullied, and starved. The kids would continuously call me names, They would also steal my food most days, so most of the time I would go without lunch.

I felt something tap my shoulder, I looked up at Mr. Aizawa only to realize that we were already at the Principal's door.

We entered, even at the risk at what all the signs said.

There, sitting on the chair behind his desk, was the Principal in all his glory.

...I was scared shitless, but of course I would never admit that aloud...

He motioned for us to sit down in the chairs opposite from his desk.

"Hello" He greeted with his usual chirpy tone, "What can I do for you today?" He asked once we had sat down.

"Well, we had an incident in class today." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Oh? And what would that be, and if I can ask, why is Kaminari sitting in my office as well?" He responded.

"Well, the incident involved him in a way, and I wanted to inform you of what happened..." He hesitated before continuing, I had put my head down so I couldn't maintain eye contact "Today in class Kaminari was daydreaming, and to teach him not to day dream I had him answer a question I put on the board. It was college level, I just wanted to mess with him." He said.

He continued, "He looked really startled when I called on him, his expression only got more shocked when Bakugo yelled at him. But I asked him to answer the question and without hesitation he answered it in decimal form, it took him a minute but he also rounded it, and may I add, all in his head." He finished.

After he finished, there was a deadly silence. You could hear all the other people in the rooms next door, it was that silent. Until it was broken.

"Mr. Kaminari, is this true?" Nezu asked, successfully breaking the silence in the room.

"Yes" I said barely above a whisper.

"Well, let's get Mr. Tsukauchi in here, so we can find out why you lied about being unintelligent." He said after I had answered his question.

He made a few calls and then we had to wait. We waited for about 20 minutes before said detective finally arrived.

"Alright, now that you are finally here, we can start." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Alright, Mr. Kaminari, I am going to ask you some questions, my quirk allows me to tell the difference between lies and truths, so to make this easier for all of us, why don't you start out by telling the truth the first time, sound ok?" He asked me.

I nodded my head as a sign of approval and that I understand.

"Ok, let's start then, first question; have you been lying about your IQ?" He asked.

"Yes" I whispered.

"Okay, then what is your IQ?" He continued to question me.

"..." I stayed silent, I didn't really want to reveal just how smart I actually was.

"Please answer, We won't judge you." Tsukauchi reassured me.

I finally gave in as I answered his question, "Last time I took the test I scored 197." I mumbled.

I looked over at Mr. Aizawa, and saw that he had a slight face of shock. It was subtle, but there and showing.

"A-and when was the last time you took the test?" Tsukauchi stuttered slightly, shocked at how high my IQ was.

"When I was 6 sir." I said barely audible.

Gasps could be heard throughout the room, followed by silence.

The silence lasted a couple of minutes, everyone was still getting over the shock.

Principal Nezu was the first to break the silence, "Well then, from now on, you will act as your real self."

"D-do I have to?" I asked timidly, I didn't want to show the other people my real personality. I was afraid they wouldn't want to be friends with me.

"Yes, I would like to get to know the real you." Mr. Aizawa replied.

"O-okay" I whimpered. I would have to tell Izu the news about me dropping my fake personality.

"Okay, last question then you can go back to class, ok?" I turned back to look at the detective in the room.

"Okay" I responded.

"Why did you lie about your intelligence and personality?" He asked.

"Well, I didn't want to be bullied and outcasted again, I wanted to see whether or not it was my IQ that caused people to not like me." I answered honestly.

"Okay, thank you for your time." With that said, Tsukauchi proceeded to leave the room, most likely to go back to the police station.

We walked back to class in silence, I was too nervous to speak.

"You know, I'm sure that someone, like maybe Momo, or Midoriya, would have still hung out with you, whether or not you have a high IQ." Mr. Aizawa said suddenly, successfully startling me.

"Well, I am already friends with Izu, and maybe you're right, maybe they would have accepted me, but I was still too scared to go through with it." I replied honestly.

We walked into the classroom. As soon as people saw that Mr. Aizawa and I were back, everyone went silent.

"Everyone, Kaminari has something to admit to you." 

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