The Class Finds Out

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Izuku's Pov:

I watched as Kami left to go to the Principal's office. I hope he doesn't have to reveal his secret, I know how much he fears his friends leaving him.

But, at the same time, I think this can be a good thing, it will hopefully show him that true friends aren't likely to leave you. Especially for a reason as dumb as this.

As soon as he left, the class burst into noise, most people asking why/how Kaminari knew that and how he did it in his head so quickly.

I don't really blame them however, because the supposedly, stupidest student just answered a question that most of them don't even know how to do.

I ended up just putting my head on the desk for the entire time that we were waiting for them to come back.

We waited for about an hour and a half, it was extremely boring in my opinion. And I'm sure that the others were dying to get answers about Kami.

Though I highly doubted that he would actually answer them. He hates being questioned.

After a couple more minutes, someone entered the classroom. I lift my head off of my arms to look and see who it was.

They were finally back.

"Everyone, Kaminari has something to admit to you." Mr. Aizawa said.

'Is he really going to tell them??' I thought to myself, then immediately went back to listening to the conversation at the front of the classroom.

"U-um well, I lied about my intelligence when we first started school." Kaminari said. I was mildly surprised that he actually agreed to tell everyone the truth. Although he did look really uncomfortable.

I wanted to go up and hug him, after all he is the person I am closest to, but I knew that if I did that, it would only raise more questions that the class wants answers to.

People started to ask questions all at once, honestly it was quite annoying.

"SILENCE!" Mr. Aizawa had to yell to be heard over all the noise people were making.

After Mr. Aizawa's little outburst, the class quieted down almost immediately. Nobody, and I mean nobody in this class, maybe even school, wants to mess with an angry or irritated Aizawa.

"Alright, you can ask questions, but ONE at time, and raise your hand to be called on first, understood?" He asked.

Everyone nodded to show that they understood what Mr. Aizawa had said. Almost everyone's hand shot up into the air when he was done.

"Iida" Denki called on first.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Iida asked after being called on.

"Well I was afraid that I would get made fun of for being so smart, like I had in my old schools." He explained.

Iida nodded as Denki went on to choose the next person.

"Mina," He said after a moment of contemplating who to call on.

"So, that means that you could have helped us with our homework this whole time!" She asked, annoyed that she had someone that could have helped her all this time, but never knew it.

Kami chuckled, "Yes, I could have, and I'm sorry that I didn't." He answered her, sincerely apologizing on his behalf. Mina pouted at this answer, but looked slightly happier when he apologized.

"Ok, next person is," He paused for a moment, "Hmmm- Oh, Momo!" He said excitedly, probably convinced that she would ask a good question, and a good question it was indeed.

"Do you think you could take the IQ test again to see what it is now?" She questioned.

Kami's face lit up a lightbulb, "Of course, I just need to get the test in general." He said. After hearing this confirmation, Momo made an IQ test for him to take.

He walked up to Momo and took the test from her hands, proceeding to walk to the back of the class and sit in the set against the wall. He immediately starts the test, already looking eager to work.

"Yeah, that is definitely not the same person he was acting to be before." Kirishima said after watching Kaminari for a little while, "He looks so intent on working on a TEST!" He continued.

I could understand why he was behaving like that, the Denki they knew would never look so happy working on a test like that.

But the Denki I knew absolutely loves tests, or really anything that has to do with knowledge. He looked really into it too, like nothing could tear him apart from this. It was quite funny.

Eventually we all started to talk to each other again, well everyone except me, I just put my head down on my desk and tried to sleep.

I soon let the reassuring feeling of darkness wash over me.

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