3. Surprise surprise!!!

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"He's not your father"

"um...yeah, he is"

Dean's sass was unbearable. You narrow your eyes at him and he just turns away from you. You put your head in your palms. 

"Here." Sam handed me John's journal. I looked up at him, shocked. "So, you've seen this before." Sam smiled weakly. "Yeah!" Your fingers wandered the leather cover of the book. You've been trying to get hold of that for years now. But John has been so serious about not letting you touch it, that it almost felt like betraying him or even sinning when you held it in your hands.

"What? Are you not gonna open it?" Sam chuckled. "Huh?" I looked up dazed. "Yeah...I want to. But I was never even allowed to touch it, you know..." you try to smile back. "Kind of feels like I'll go to prison if I open it." You chuckled lightly, not very amused. Sam inhaled sharply "He can have that effect on people." said he, watching you open it and see your eyes fly wide open, as you saw the photographs of the Winchesters. You look up at Sam and then at Dean, the shock and surprise evident on your face. Sam looked like he understood what you were going through. But Dean held a 'told you so' face that kicked you out of this trance. You gave him a nasty look and went back to flipping the pages of your mentor's journal.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that he's not your father. It's just...  too much for me to take..." you started blabbering but Sam cut you off "Its okay. I get it. He can be like that." You shook your head and looked up at him "I've known him ever since I was 5. I've known him for so long. He knew everything about me and I knew nothing. I don't get why he couldn't tell me about his sons."

"Why would he tell you about us?" Dean pitched in and you ignore him. "oh wait... maybe, because you are just one of the 100 little girls he might have saved. He didn't tell you about his personal life, because you were nothing but just another job. Now get over it." He hit your weak spot there. You were very shot tempered. Outbursts were a part of your daily routine.

"Oh yeah, does he train every kid he saves for over a decade to become hunters?" you stood up and spat at him. "Does he hand every little girl he saves a cold steel machete? Or teach her incantations for exorcisms?" you walked up to him with gritted teeth. "Tell me, Dean." you were only five feet and 2 inches tall. You were incredibly shorter than him. You were way shorter than most men. But still, you did not fail to intimidate anyone you want 

"Stay down, bitch" He growled. This made you lose it. You pinned him to the wall "Or what?" You whispered. If it were someone else, they would have backed off by now. But not Dean Winchester. "Hey, Hey..." Sam lightly grabbed you by your shoulders and pulled you back and hissed something at Dean. You brush him off and grab your bag, and then storm out of the motel room.  Tears were forming in your eyes. First, the man whom you've always looked up to goes missing, then you find out that he had sons he never told you about and one of them is a douchebag, who does not even consider your feelings.

 One tear made its way down your cheek and you scoff at it. Out of everything that has happened, Dean's words are what drew the tears. You were hypersensitive. Anyone could say anything and you'd get hurt. The same happened this time too. Plus no one has ever treated you that way. It was all overwhelming. You are 20 but still behaved like a 17-year-old sometimes. It was exhausting. You heard heavy footsteps coming towards you and you wipe your tear away quickly before turning around, with your right hand gripping your gun holster.

"It's just me." Sam said, eyeing my hand gripping the gun. "girl's gotta be careful" You say before turning around and continue walking to your car. "He didn't mean it," Sam said, keeping up. "Mean what?" you acted like you don't give a crap. "He doesn't know that he has to be softer with women... zero experience in that arena... all he knows is to flirt and sleep with them." 

"Look, Sam..." you stopped and turned to him, to see the giant looking down at you and suddenly you feel shorter than ever. "I need to start wearing heels" you mutter under your breath. "What?" he asked. "Look, I don't hold any grudge against you boys. This was all just a big fat surprise and I need time to process. Plus, he probably doesn't want me to be the one looking for him. And, i don't know why we were never introduced, but it's probably for the best." Sam stood listening, his lips pressed in a thin line and nodding. "Well... maybe he didn't do so because he knew you and Dean meeting each other wasn't going to go well." he grimaced, eyeing their room. You sigh and reach into your pocket and take out a card which you hand to Sam "Call me when you find him, will ya?" you say, worry written all over your face. "Sure, Agent Kroeger" He chuckled and nodded.

"I know I'm a bit too short or whatever but uh... You can call me if you're up for a coffee too, if you want..." you look up at him flashing him a naughty smile.

"um... uh... Girlfriend! Waiting back home" he said apologetically. "Wow.. that wasn't awkward at all," You say, backing off, trying not to laugh at yourself as Sam laughs. "Girl's gotta try huh?" He chuckled. "Exactly!" You smile back. 

"See you later, Jenna"

"See ya later Sammy... Actually, you know what? I hope I never see you again. Just from the few hours, I spent with you guys, I kind of got the feeling that you and your brother are kind of a package deal. And I want none of it" you threw your arms up, walking back. Sam chuckled and saluted you. You saluted back and left.

I really don't want to see them again. No... I don't want to see HIM again.

Fucking smug bastard.

My Winchester - Book 1 - Secrets and RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now