4. Family Reunion Yay!!

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The nightmares seem to be taking a break. Instead of seeing the vampire's head rolling towards Nancy, all you could dream of is the color green. Those green eyes haunted you. Until a few weeks ago, you thought that guys with blue eyes, black hair, nerd-ish, and shorter than 6 feet was your type. Apparently, the 6 foot 1 inch Dean Winchester with dark blonde hair and pretty green eyes was more appealing to you. You didn't like this feeling. You hated him and he clearly hated you. It wasn't your fault or his either. Both were to blame, actually. You were a bitch to him and he was a dick to you and that made it even. But the thought of him turned you on like nothing else.

Hunting shifters, shooting werewolves, torching wendigos, beheading vampires... None of this took your mind off of him. One night, as you were lying on the hood of your Mustang, you had an idea. You drove all the way to Pontiac, Illinois, to meet the only relatives you have left. Your cousin James and his cute little family.

You rang the doorbell and not soon after, the door swung open and there stood your first cousin James Novak.

"Jimmyy!!" you jumped a little, all cheery. 

"Jenny!!" he smiled and came out and hugged you.

"You're so warm... like a teddy bear!" you say hugging him tighter

"I'm 30 now, Jenna, you've got stop calling me that.

"Okie doke!" you say ruffling his hair as you went past him into the house. "and doing that.." he said putting his black hair back in place.

"Who is it daddy?" a little blonde asked peeking from the dining room.

"Claire!! Look at you... All grown up and pretty!!" you gasped and held your hands out to pick her up. "Aunty Jen!!" she came running into your arms and you picked her up and gave her a swirl.

"She got heavy, huh?" Jimmy asks you.

"Eh... I work out" you say patting you biceps and Jimmy chuckles.

"Jenna!! What a surprise! How long has it been?" Amelia, Jimmy's wife pulled you into a hug. "A little bit over a year?" You say in a strained voice acting like being choked. 

"Good thing you kept your sarcasm..." Amelia said eyeing your hair, which used to be really long and glorious, now cut short up to shoulder length. You clicked your tongue "Ah... kept on getting in the way" you said, twirling your index finger in your locks. 

"In the way of what? Your English papers?" Jimmy raised an eyebrow. You had told them that you were attending Princeton. If he comes to know that you were chopping vamp heads instead of sticking your nose into Shakespeare, he would drag you to attend college.

"Are you clinging onto that literally all the time?" you point at the bible in his hand trying to change the topic. "We were going to pray. Do you want to join us?" Jimmy asked eagerly. He was a devout Christian... unlike you. 

"Hard pass." you say plopping onto the couch." Jimmy shook his head "If you don't find your way to faith, It will come looking for you." I raised my eyebrows with a big "really?" written over my face. "Mark my words, Jenna" he walked away with Amelia and Claire tailing them. 

Your phone starts ringing. You saw the name on your phone and smiled ear to ear and picked it up. "Bobby!"

"Jenna! Haven't heard from you in a few days." Bobby yelled... well not angrily... it's kind of how he showed love.

"I'm fine papa bear, you don't have to worry about me" you chuckle

"I know you'll be fine on your own. But that doesn't mean that you can't call me now and then and let me know that you are doing alright...." He kept on going, but your mind was somewhere else. 

My Winchester - Book 1 - Secrets and RevelationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora