7. Storytime

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Sam had left for your motel and you and Dean were now cleaning up Elkins' place. You talked about a lot of things. Pie, Food (Pie and food are two different topics for Dean), Led Zeppelin, and a lot of stories about John. When he saw that you were growing exhausted, he walked over to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of beer.

"You old enough for this right?" He asked as you practically snatched a bottle from him.

"Not really. Not for a few more months." You said not meeting his eyes. He was definitely I little older than 25. He'd probably only see you as a kid. "You don't look that young. But your snark gives it away." He said, raising the bottle to his lips, his eyes not leaving you.

"How long you been on the job?" He leaned forward. 

"12 years... almost. My parents died when I was five. John kept me around for 3 years and then, he handed me a machete." You said, smiling grimly. He saw the bittersweet smile on your lips and couldn't understand why it was kind of a good memory too for you.

"You say it like it didn't ruin your life..." He shook his head, still not understanding how your mind works.

"Oh, he totally ruined my life. All chances I had at a normal life went poof the moment I touched that machete." You said picking at the sticker on the bottle. He listened to you keenly. "But I tried school. I suck at math and science. I'm only good at English, but somehow hunting grew on me... I'm good at this, you know?" you look up.

"A little humility doesn't hurt." he chuckled. "Dude, I mean it. I know boasting isn't ladylike but I am good. Ask the dead monsters." you chug the rest of the beer.

"Don't 'Dude' me!" he whined. "What?" you got annoyed "Why not?"

"It's not lady-like" he smirked. "Shut up, Winchester." you chuckled and stood up to go get some fresh air. You didn't see what you had done to him.

"Winchester." He muttered under his breath and gave out a huge sigh. The way you said it made him feel something that he had never felt before. It turned him on a little bit. But he shook it off. She's too young for you, dude! Stand down. He shook it off and walked out to you.

"Hey!" he called out and you looked back at him smiling.

"Why'd you point a gun at me?" he looked a bit irritated. your face fell. Is he a hormonal teenager? All he has is looks and mood-swings. 

"I'm not pissed. I just wanna know." He threw his hands up, seeing the dark cloud rolling over your face.

You sighed. "I uh... I'm kind of terrified of guys..." you said grimacing. "Terrified of guys? Well, pointing a gun at them is one way of dealing." Dean scoffed in a friendly way. "So, what? You don't get laid often? Or you into chicks?"

"I'm into guys... Just not a fan of getting laid." you turn around not wanting to talk about how pure you were. "Girl, you haven't had good sex yet. Trust me, this won't be your reaction once you get a guy of your taste." he chuckled. Guess I'll have to taste you and see. Crap! Keep it in your pants, Jenna!. There stood Dean Winchester being all big bro and here you were, fantasizing tasting him. 

He then caught you staring at his torso, eyes half shut. It kind of felt like you were slowly mentally stripping him and it made him feel like a man-whore. No one ever made Dean feel that way. It was hot but it kind of offended him. He shifted uncomfortably and you snapped back to your senses. 

You played it cool and looked away. The Dean Winchester you knew, was gone. Maybe this is what he really is like.  You smiled to yourself. I'd really like to get to know this one.

"I'm sorry for being a dick earlier." He said not meeting your eyes. "It just... it takes a lot of time to process these kinds of things, you know.  I had no idea vampires were real. Or about your family."

"I guess, Daddy just wanted to keep you boys safe." You smile hurtfully at him. John obviously didn't care much. You were expendable to him. "They're not like vengeful spirits. They're like these rabid, hungry dogs, that would tear down walls to suck on your blood." You say, sort of marveling at the savagery. "You talk about it like there's some beauty to it."

"Beauty?" your eyes shot up. "Sure, if you're a fan of gushing red." you pointed out. "It's just fascinating. All of them. Vamps, shifters, werewolves... even though we claim ourselves to be the most cerebrally advanced beings on this planet, it is actually them who have unlocked those parts of the human brain that evolution alone couldn't. Except for witches. Now, that's about skill and knowledge... " You go on as your eyes get lost in the woods. It's just as green as his eyes. 

"Woah! Nerd alert!" Dean called you out. "Look, no offense but I'm not into this... Darwinism or whatever the hell it is that you're talking about. You can have the nerd talk with Sammy, he's the boring one." Him mentioning Sam suddenly makes words fly out of your mouth.

"What happened to Sam? Last time I saw him, he was a sap."

Dean studied you, doubt all over his face. "Look, I care about the guy. I just wanted to know what could beat him up this bad. Not being nosy." The sincerity in your voice kind of makes him trust you a little bit more.

"Sammy had a girl" he walked towards you. "She was killed... by a demon."

"A demon?" you squeal.

"yeah... the one that killed our mom. John ever tell you about my mom?" he leaned onto the dead hunter's truck beside you. "Once. A drunk John. The sober one would never open up." you said rolling your eyes a little bit. "You got that right," he said.

The boys' black car rolled in and pulled up by you. Sam got out and walked over to you. "um... if you don't mind... could you ride the impala with Dean? I'd really like to take your mustang out for a spin." a little bit of excitement twinkled in his sunflower eyes. "Go nuts," you say and walk over to the impala and get into the passenger seat and Dean slides in too.

"let's go get the mail." Dean sighed.

My Winchester - Book 1 - Secrets and RevelationsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora