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    "Levitate yourself in the height of standard" - Unknown                                                                              She just looked at me and maked me restless. I don't know why but I craved  to hear her words. She just looked so serene. She said to me :"Look Alena, I don't know who you are and we don't know much about each other. For you, I am a stranger but still you narrated and shared the biggest fear of your life with me.I know maybe you are tired. Sometimes life would be like that;it would make you exhausted, frustrated and even you feel numb but what you should know is that it is just a phase of life;it is not a beginning nor an ending, it is just a phase. Maybe it is a phase where you need to discover things about yourself. You are never too old to reinvest in yourself. Yes, try that, try to invest in yourself, try to improve and develop yourself. Make yourself a better person with a strong mind. "Alena stare at her face without blinking her eyes even for a second. She continues :" Maybe your life is tough but what you don't know is that it would make you tougher. You are just like a seashell which have soo many emotions ;you are beautiful and you don't need anyone's approval to trust that, you are and you would always be a shinning star. This time would pass. You don't need to worry about it that much. First try to love yourself more. "
    Alena can't resist but she started to cry. Alena missed her mom. She don't know why but she just wanted to run and hug her tight. She just wanted those moment to happen soo badly.
  Her new founded friend continues" I know it's hard;it's hard like hell. But trust me honey, you got this. You came all this way along with your positive attitude, with your hard work, but what you need to focus more is "YOU". You need to love yourself more honey, you need to keep a standard for the love that you deserve. You deserve more. Trust me just believe in miracles and it would come all along the way from heaven to happen. "
     She smiled, yes Alena smiled for the first time in the past damn days. She smiled with her heart ;not with her teeth.
     Suddenly she felt a breeze of relief flow through her. She  felt relaxed and more focused. She assured herself that she should do this without a regret. Because this is her  life and this is her fate. She need to decide her destiny.She felt that she shouldn't give the power to anyone else because it was Alena who gone through all the hardships along all these years. She can't deny the fact that she gone through every hardship like an opportunity. She was like a warrior who is not ready to give up the fight. She just wanted to bring back the fire in her.
    Alena looked at her friend and she smiled. Alena said:"Thank you so much. You just help me to find the answer for one of the most haunted question in my mind." She simply answered back:"You are the answer for all your questions. You just need to find the magic and then see what happens in your life. That's the magic that everyone needed in their life."
The time just passed..
So Alena asked her:"So how's your mother?". She sighed and looked into the sky.  They can clearly see the stars there. She stated with a teary eyes "Yeah, she is doing amazing there". She pointed to the most brightest star. Alena can't help it but she was shocked and she don't know what to say. Alena fumbled for words. Like really ;Alena don't know what to say. Alena said at last:I'm sorry! ". But that girl smiled and said back:" You don't need to. She don't go anywhere, she is here with me to guide me, to protect me and to make me happier. I'm so happy and I can feel her."Alena looked at her face without blinking her eyes and suddenly she said:" OK, I need to go, I have so many things to do. I need to give so many gifts to the children..! "Alena asked her:" Do you have children? ". Then she smiled and said:" Yes, I have. All the children in the orphanage are my children. I give gifts to them in every Christmas. It make them happy and it makes me happier. OK, now I need to go. Be happy always and live your life as you wish. "
   She then turned around and started to move away. Then only Alena noticed that she was sitting in a wheelchair. Alena was extremely shocked, she thought how could such a person could give these much positive energy to her life. Alena had no clue about that, and here Alena was crying over a silly matter. Alena felt ashamed of herself. She genuinely felt that she should be more like her this new founded friend ;she should show gratitude toward the God for giving her this beautiful life. Alena has no disability ;she has everything in life, literally everything that would make her life more amazing and beautiful. She shouldn't be the one who would waiting her whole life for someone to make her happy through their deeds. She should make herself happy and proud through her own deeds. No one could make her feel that.
   Maybe she is the angel that God had  send to her to enlighten the life with her FAIRY LIGHT VIBE..
OK peeps, this is the end of my story.. I genuinely thanking everyone to support me. I would appreciate if please READ, VOTE and SHARE this story to your wattpad friends.. And oh yeah and if like my works please feel free to FOLLOW ME..                    

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