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Music blared through my headphones. "i'm really gonna miss you picking fights, and me, falling for it screaming that i'm right and you..." I work the cash register, even though i'm not very good with money. It's dead today, and it's almost 8pm which means i get to go home soon. just 30 more minutes and i'm off. 

"bye guys, ill see you tomorrow!" i yell to my co-workers, "Bye V!" they say as i'm walking out. I unlock my car and get in. It's not a fancy car but it's not an ugly car. It's a 2020 honda civic, but to my school it's trash. i personally love my car. I put my wallet and phone down in the passenger side before turning the car on. I decide that taco bell is my best bet for dinner , so i stop and get 2 hard shell dorito tacos plus a chicken quesadilla. I arrive at home and eat in my room, having school tomorrow i hurry and eat then shower. 

My high school is a pretty big high school, which means there's a bunch of people. Being invisible is great, until the biggest assholes in the entire place pick out everything wrong about you. Katharine, Juliana, and Gwen. i used to be in that circle until my brother died and my dad left. Jamie was only 6, and his death was my fault. My mom Monica, my dad Ian, me and Jamie were in the car. my parents were fighting and my dad was speeding. he started going too fast and that's when i made the mistake of touching his shoulder. He ran a stop sign, someone pulled out, killed my baby brother instantly. My dad has never forgave me. Katharine and her minions never lets me forget it. 

 Walking down the hallway is the worst. You ever have that feeling that everyone's looking at you? well imagine they really are. "murderer" Juliana says as she walks by. High school sucks.

Finally i hear the last bell ring. Grabbing my stuff putting it into my backpack, my boss texts me. ~hey we have a new employee today, can you come in and show her around? thank you.~               great, just what i wanted. i reply when i got back to my car, ~yeah sure. what time ?~ all i wanted to do was go home and sleep. This means i have to wear my mask even more than i want to. You know, because of covid? 

i was told to be at Arked coffee shop at 4:30. It's 10 minutes from my house so by the time i get to work i have a little time to eat. Luckily i decided to dress decent for school today, otherwise i would've shown up to work in sweatpants and an oversized billie eilish sweatshirt. Today i'm wearing 👇🏼👇🏼

I walk into the shop finishing off the rest of my mcdonald's fries

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I walk into the shop finishing off the rest of my mcdonald's fries. they smack. I see Marc standing in the corner , and a female standing beside him, both their backs facing me. she was wearing white shorts, black and white cans, a blue 3 button up shirt. The door closed behind me and they turn around. She looks at me and i swear time stopped. She smiles and looks me up and down. Marc looks at me and then says well i'll let you two get to know each other. She looks back at me and smiles again while reaching her hand out. 

"hi, i'm Ag" 

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