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"hi i'm ag" she says. 

I take her hand and shake it, "Veronica, but people call me V." her hand is soft. "dope, do you like working her V?" she says to me and looks around the place. I nod and shrug, " yeah Marc is my uncle so i had no choice. i needed a job" i say and shrug "so are you new here?" i ask and walk to the front about to show her around. She walks over to me , "yeah i'm staying for a bit, i need some money before i go back home." 

We finished up the tour of the place, Ag looked interested, she asked a million questions but not about the place. About me. She asked my favorite color, where i go to school, my siblings, my parents, my favorite songs, my favorite food, etc..

i turn around to stop her from asking about me and we're like 2 inches apart. "well i knew you thought i was attractive but i didn't think you were this bold." she says looking at my lips. Scoffing i turn back around "you wish" i say and walk back to the front door. "Well i'm off. i'll see you tomorrow same time. you'll find out what position you are tomorrow. See ya." i say and open the door. "Bye!" she yells after me.

*later that night* 

finally arriving at home i take a deep breath before i walk inside. My moms had depression ever since jamie. She barely moves. Barely speaks. I walk in prepared to help her live but when i walk in she's in the kitchen with some man. She's standing. "Mom?" i say and close the door. She turns around and faces me, the guy looks over, "Ronnie!" she says and comes over to me. She hugs me and i didn't hug her back, i was shocked. "How are yo- wha- how is this happening right now ?" i studded over my words trying to piece together. she just smiles and says "William has been helping me." she says and looks over to the man. "we're getting married in two weeks." i look her in the eyes, she's being serious. i back away from her and walk to my room. saying nothing after that. 

*next morning*

i wake up to the sound of children. "what the fuck" i say rubbing my eyes. i slid on some shorts and a tank top. I walk downstairs to see 3 children running around destroying everything in their path. "MOM!" i yell hoping she's home. No answer, well fuck this is have school. I get into my car and call Clay, my boyfriend. we've been together for about 2 years and a couple months. He's been through hell and back with me. He picks up , "hey V what's up?" i sigh, "do you want to go get food before school. i've got a lot to talk about." i say waiting for a response. He takes a minute , " well please don't be mad.." he says and my heart drops. " i already got starbucks this morning.. IM SORRY." he says, i laugh. "i'm coming to get you dork, be ready. I love you." i say then hangup. 

we get to school hand in hand and we see everyone talking. I look at Clay with a confused look. Why are people actually INSIDE the school. normally people hangout outside until the bell rings.  this is weird. we walk through the crowd, finally seeing all the commotion. Ag is here? for what reason. I don't need her cocky self at my school now too. we make eye contact. ugh.

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