Twenty six

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Last day of school, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, the birds were chirping merrily, the sound of laughter could be heard everywhere. Most students were excited by the prospect of having a full summer to relax, fool around and enjoy their family.

However, all of this excitement and joy was getting in Harry's nerves. He had been stressing over the idea of living the holocaust effects to be calm and composed right now.

Tom wasn't any better. He was tense, wondering how bad the matron would treat them now, anxious about the prospect of losing Harry's respect, and angry at life for putting him in this situation.

Everybody in the Slytherin table noticed this tense atmosphere, and sped up their breakfast to leave and continue making a fuss anywhere else. They didn't want Tom to direct their ire to them.

Even when nobody knew why Tom was always tense the last day of term, no one had ever asked why, fearing a negative response to that question. However, Harry being also tense was strange, as he barely lost composure, and his classmates, feeling that Harry had a better temper, tried to ask the dreaded question. Unfortunately for them, Harry wasn't on his prime, and a snap to leave him alone was everything they got. Orion was laughing his ass off by that point, finding it hilarious. He didn't know why Harry was so stressed, either, but he understood the feeling. After all, there were some times he felt strangled by his family's ways.

Soon enough, everything was packed and ready to go. Harry shrunk his trunk, knowing that it wasn't a good idea to broadcast his belongings in a place where there were no personal boundaries. For the same reason, he had also ordered Hedwig to stay in the owlery. He didn't want to think what those muggles would do to his beautiful familiar, and, unlike Nirali (that had an enlargened compartment inside Tom's trunk to live in), Hedwig couldn't stay caged for that long. Harry could remember how much Hedwig had suffered the summer after his first year, when his uncle had forbidden him from letting her fly.

The train left the Hogsmeade station as soon as all of the students had boarded, giving finality to that school year. Tom, Harry, Orion, Marcus Bulstrode and Thaddeus Nott were sharing a compartment, given that they also shared a room, but they mostly ignored each other, although for different reasons. Orion was only comfortable around Harry, but said boy was tense and staring at the countryside, trying to distract himself. That's why the Black heir had to stick with sleeping all the ride back to London. Tom was reading to hide the fact that he was just as tense as Harry, although nobody would even consider that possibility. Marcus and Thaddeus were best friends, but refrained from acting as they normally would because of the strained atmosphere that dominated the compartment. Needless to say, it was not a pleasant ride.

When the train stopped at platform 9 3/4 everyone was quick to leave. Even Harry and Tom, knowing full well it was safer to arrive early to the orphanage. After all, the bombings were frequent at night. Still, most of the families were already gone and there was no trace of Professor Slughorn, who was supposed to escort them.

An hour passed, and both boys were considering to leave by themselves. They hoped headmaster Dippet wouldn't know, it was never smart to destroy the headmaster's trust. But just as they were preparing themselves to go, the distinctive sound of apparition was followed by the sight of very odd looking professor Slughorn. Harry knew that dressing like muggles was not a wizard's forte, but this was simply ridiculous. He was wearing shorts, like the ones kids used during this time, with suspenders as well, a white button up, and a lady hat. An orange hat with feathers, adorned with lace. And the man didn't seem to notice how odd that would be for a muggle.

"There you are boys. Come on, I've already inspected the area and found a great spot for apparition, next to a very nice restaurant...very good indeed."

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