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"wow, she has a pretty name!" my mother sends clearly not knowing what I mean.

"Is she nice?" my father sends, oh my they really don't understand.

"Yeah, she is really nice. Unlike her mother..." I send and hope they finally understand.

"What's wrong with her mother?" Auden sends and I want to slap him. He knows exactly who I'm talking about.

"Wait? Samuels? Like Molly Samuels?" my mother sends and I really hope this won't blow up.

"Uh yeah, but she's nothing like her." I type really fast I don't want them to stress out.

" NO! Switch dorms!" my father sends and now I wish I didn't say anything.

" Guys, don't over think this. I'll be fine, this is me were talking about. I have to go now." I send and place my phone in my pocket of my jeans. I get up and leave my dorm to go for a quick walk.

As I walk the college grounds everyone is talking in groups, I really need to make friends. I see Ella and walk up to her. She is with a group of people, they all seem kind I guess. Ella looks towards me and she wave at me.

"Emery come here!" she says as she is smiling, all her friends look towards me.

I walk towards to them and stand beside Ella. They all smile and start to greet me, they are all so tall compared to me.

"Hey, I'm Emery." I say smiling at everyone.

"Hey, I'm Joey." A tall guy says, he has dark black hair and brown eyes. He is tall and I see a tattoo on his wrist. He's very put together, my type of guy.

"This is Dylan," he points to a shorter guy that is standing beside him. He has light brown hair and blue eyes that I can see through his glasses. He smiles and continues talking to the girl beside him.

"That's Isabella" He points to the girl Dylan is talking to, she looks up at me and just checks me out. I'm a bit confused until I realize she is holding hands with Dylan. Guess they are dating. She has short brown hair and her eyes are dark green. Her outfit is very cute, she seems rude but maybe it was just the way she is around new people.

"And that's Vanessa." He points to the girl pulling her shirt down more to reveal her lace bra. She looks up at me and smiles. Her hair is like lavender purple and her eyes are hazel. She has a couple of tattoos on her arms and she has a lip and nose ring. She is very pretty, and seems really sweet.

"You already know Ella." I giggle and Ella waves at me.

"It's really nice to met you all, are you all from here?" I ask while fidgeting with my bracelet my best friend back in New York bought me.

"Yeah, we were all friends in high school expect for Vanessa, we just met her three days ago." Ella says,I look over a Vanessa and she does the peace sign at me.

"Oh where you from?" I ask Vanessa, she smiles and begins to talk really fast.

"Well, I'm from Seattle, but my dad was from here and my mom was from Canada." Vanessa says smiling the whole way through. I nod my head while she is talking, she seems really sweet but man she talks fast.

"Oh that's cool, I'm from New York." I say and there eyes so widen.

"New York?!" Joey says, and I look over at him.

"Yeah why?" I say a bit confused.

"We've always wanted to go there as a trip but these broke asses can't afford it." The girl with the short hair says, I think her name way Isabella. We all laugh, these people seem really nice.

"Well I would love to stay and chat with you guys but I need a coffee. Know any good places?" I ask and everyone smiles. It's kind of creepy cause they all smiled at the same time.

"Yeah there is one just 5 minutes away, I'll send you the location' Ella says and puts her hand out asking for my phone. I give my phone to her and she starts typing. She gives me my phone back and I see she put her phone number in. I smile and say bye to everyone. As I'm walking away my phone goes off and I check. Ella sent me the location.

~At the café~

I walk in and see that the place is very modern. I walk to the cashier and order my drink.

"Hi, can I get a large latte please." she types it in her machine and I pay, the price was cheep for a large. I wait for 2 minutes and then she hands me my drink, I thank her and turn around to walk to a table. I look down at my phone in my hands and I'm not paying attention to where I'm walking, but I feel someone hit me and my drink spills all over them.

"oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I say in a panic, I look up and met his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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