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Mazikeen's POV

I awaken in an unfamiliar room and groan as I sit up. The clothes I find on my body aren't mine and the memories from last night lay in my mind. Fuck. I don't even know where I'm at right now. I hear someone coming up the stairs and stop outside my room. I quickly partially shift and climb up the wall. The door opens and a tall male comes in. He stops and looks around. I quickly pounce and have my talons at his throat.

A deep voice says,"Usually it's my hand that's the necklace."

I'm confused and he takes the opportunity to grab my arm and throw me. I flip through the air and land on my feet. I hiss at him and he raises his hands up.

He says,"My dear, I am the one who patched you up."

I look at him and our eyes meet. Even in the darkened room, I can see how blue they are. I stand and my skin tugs. I shift back to my human form and he comes to me.

He says,"Let me check your bandages."

I take a step back and hit the bed. Sitting down, I wince in pain and he lifts up my shirt. I smack his hand away and he looks at me.

He says,"Sweetheart, I'm just checking your wound. Making sure it's not infected and that you didn't pull any stitches with that little stunt of yours."

I glare at him and he lifts my shirt again. He peels to bandages away and checks my wound.

He says,"You're lucky, the wound isn't infected, nor are any of the stitches pulled."

I ask,"Where am I? Who are you? What are you? Who's clothes are these?"

Judas smiles at my multiple questions and stands offering his hand. I take it as I stand and he places it on his arm in an old fashioned type of way.

As we walk out of the room, He says,"You are at my home. It's a safe place for werewolves and sometimes the wayward creature."

I reply,"So you're what P-."

Judas says with a smile,"If you refer to me as the bald man that so many other teenagers have referred me to from those popular comic books, I might not give you the pot roast I made."

I can tell he's joking and just shrug my shoulders.

Judas says,"To answer your other questions, my name is Judas. I have forgone my last name for my own personal reasons. I'm a hybrid my dear. Well I wasn't really able to go out and get you proper clothes from the store so you are in one of my at home t shirts and a pair of basketball shorts."

I ask,"My phone? Wallet? Keys?"

Judas replies,"They're all back in your room. I had the pups find your items after the tuugamau afi was taken care of."

I ask,"The what?"

Judas replies,"The Lava creature you were fighting."

I reply,"The Hi no Haka "

He asks,"Is that what the Americans call it nowadays."

I reply,"No that's what us mythies call it out here. They're revolting creatures."

Judas says,"I can't argue with that at all."

We arrive in a kitchen and he guides me to a chair. He helps me stay steady as I slowly lower myself into it. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I'm in pain and exhausted from the walk.

Judas sets a steaming plate I feel tiny of me piled high with pot roast, red mashed potatoes, and corn. It's smells so good and instantly begin eating the pot roast. The first bite is incredible.

It's juicy and tender. The garlic isn't overpowering, the basil and parsley is there but it mixes well with the other herbs and seasonings in the pot roast. The mashed potatoes are smooth and melt in your mouth. The corn is sweet but perfect and I hear a low chuckle. I look up after finishing half the plate already and see Judas leaning against the counter with an amused smile on his face.

I swallow my mouthful of potatoes and ask,"What?"

He replies,"I've never seen someone eat so enthusiastically."

I feel my cheeks beaten and say,"It tastes delicious. I appreciate food."

Judas replies,"By all means, eat."

I ask,"There's more right?"

He smiles and I see his canines are longer and sharper than the usual werewolf. What is he?

He says,"I make enough food for leftovers for days. There's plenty."

He brings out a platter of pot roast, a bowl of red mashed potatoes and a pot of corn. I resume eating and once I finish the first plate I begin scooping a second plate of food and Judas begins cleaning up around the kitchen. I watch him and he's graceful and smooth. He's also very fast but precise.

I get another scoop of meat and mashed potatoes. I get a scoop of the juice and pour it over the potatoes and meat. I can't believe how hungry I am. Footsteps alert me to someone coming towards me and I look up to see Judas there with a pitcher and a glass both filled with a pinkish liquid. I sniff it and it smells like lemonade.

Judas says as he walks away,"It's strawberry lemonade my dear."

I sip it not totally trusting him and it is. It's sweet but not overly sweet. I finish off the second plate and debate if I should eat more but I don't want to make myself sick. Ya know what I haven't eaten since i don't know when. I don't know what time it is. All I know is I'm starving. I get a third plate and am enjoying it. I finish it and the glass of lemonade and sit back completely stuffed.

Judas asks,"Did we enjoy it?"

I nod and sigh.

Judas smiles and I ask,"Can you take me back to the restaurant so I can get my car?"

Judas replies,"I had the pups drive it back when the grabbed your things."

I reply,"Well I don't want to be rude and be a done and dash type of person but I must go home. My parents will be worried."

I'm so screwed when I get home.

Judas replies,"You can't leave. You're not healed."

I reply,"I will though. I'll be careful."

Judas says,"I will be checking in on you then tomorrow."

I say,"You don't know where I live."

He says,"You forget the pups grabbed your belongings and I have a photographic memory my dear."

I say,"Not creepy at all."

The corner of Judas' mouth quirks up into an amused smirk. I get up and limp towards the entrance of the kitchen. Judas comes over and helps me. We get to the front door in the blink of an eye and he disappears and reappears with my belongings.

I say,"Look. Put your number in my phone and just check on me that way."

He it's his number in and I walk to my car. He gives a short wave as I drive away which I respond with a short wave of my own. I arrive back at home and the house is dark. I shut my car off and grab the bag of food. Thankfully it's still good. I climb through my window and head downstairs quietly putting the bag of food in the fridge. I quickly limp upstairs and back into my room shutting my door quietly. I take off the borrowed clothes and put on a pair of my own pajamas. I climb into bed and soon fall asleep.

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