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A/N The Dark Carnival and Hughe belong to @eldritch_author on TikTok. I have been given permission by him to use them in the story.


Mazikeen's POV

I awaken to a freezing liquid being thrown on me. I sputter as I wipe my face scrambling to get out of bed. I find my mother there with a now empty pitcher.

I exclaim,"What the hell!"

She says,"You didn't come home til late last night."

I reply,"I came home at 11."

She replies,"No. You didn't. I checked your room."

I reply,"Did you check the bathroom?"

She says,"I didn't."

I reply,"I was probably in the bathroom then!!!"

She exclaims,"Don't you yell at me! You should be grateful I woke you up. You would be late for work."

I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom as she yells,"DONT YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME!"

I slam the bathroom door and lock it. She bangs on the door and yells at me for slamming the door. I take a shower as she stands outside ranting at me. I get out and braid my long dirty blonde hair before putting it up into a bun. I walk out of the bathroom after not hearing her for ten minutes and go back to my room.

I check the wound and see my stitches thankfully didn't get ripped after this morning's wake up call. I put a new bandage on it and get dressed in a black button down short sleeve collared blouse, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of black ankle boots. I look in the mirror of my room as I straighten my blouse and see my right eye flicker to the yellow of my curse.

I close both my eyes and take a deep breath. I open them and see that my eyes don't flicker. I head to the bathroom and grab my eyeliner lining my eyes into a subtle cat shape and putting a swipe of mascara on my lashes. I grab my wallet and swap it out to the wallet that I can chain to my pants. I slip my phone in my front pocket and grab my keys. I head to my car and start driving to the closest coffee shop. I pull up and order an extra large coffee with chocolate syrup, sweetener, and soy milk. I then head to work and sip my coffee.

I pull into the parking lot and head inside. I clock in as I pass the time clock and head to the back of the store. I chug half my coffee and put the rest of it in the fridge. I get my purse in my locker and grab my box cutter, back brace, and gloves. I then decide to grab my forklift key and clip it to my pants.

As I walk by the front office, I say,"Morning, Llamas. Morning Lewis. Morning Prescilla. Morning Cisco. Morning Ashley. Morning Alina. Morning Carmen."

They all come out and Ashley hands me a clipboard.

I ask,"Is this everything that needs to be keyed in along with we get from tonight's delivery?"

Ashley nods and I ask,"Who's with me all night?"

Cisco, Llamas, Carmen and Ashley sound off.

I say,"Alright. Keep the customers happy. I'm going to head to the back to key these in and then I'll get on the lift to start dropping things."

They all nod and disperse as I walk to the back. I head to the computer behind the counter after checking in with my crew. I get in the seat and go through my emails and the delivery info for tonight. I take a break and pull out my phone. I send Judas a text.

It reads:

Hi, Judas.
It's Mazikeen. I made it home safely and slept. I am currently at my work for the day. I haven't pulled any stitches and I'm resting. I'm about to go get lunch at the mall since it's my break. Thank you again for patching me up.

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