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I sit in my car and finish eating my lunch as I think back to the day I met Hughe.


I'm alone. Completely alone. My parents have thrown me out again. Well my mother and her boyfriend.

The humans fear me.

They cower from me.

They run from me.

I walk through the woods and see a small town. I notice a carnival is there and head towards it. The townsfolk are gathering at the entrance and a magenta swirl whizzes past me barely missing me. It seems to be going towards the town past the grounds the carnival is on. I look around at all the stands and tents in awe.

Something about this place FEELS different. The energy here feels safe. Calm but at the same time, completely chaotic. Whispers of the show from townsfolk and carnies alike have the same man in them. A man named Hughe. The whispers are similar and yet completely different.

Who is this Hughe man?

"Who is he indeed?", a voice by my ear says causing me to shift away quickly as the paralytic venom secretes from my hands.

I find a figure in a black top hat, tailcoat, and cloak, gnarled metal cane in his hand. His voices is soothing and he has a grin on his face that portrays a delightful derangement. His eyes capture mine with a stilled madness within the pitch blackness of their pupils that stare off into nothingness.

He says with a smooth, curious tone,"I was wondering why I felt a new presence... a deep presence, unlike the folk we attend to this eve. I am Hughe Percival Lockcross, Dark Ringmaster of this Carnival. And you are?"

His eyes connect with mine and I swear I saw his eyes flicker magenta just slightly but I could be mistaken. My scales cover half my body and my talons come out as I watch the Dark Ringmaster.

Hughe's gaze goes to my talons then my scales in utter curiousity and he says,"Fascinating... A pleasure, Mazikeen Hale."

Hughe bows and stay alert.

He asks,"What brings you to the Dark Carnival this night?"

What did she come here for? It's not like they'd accept her. She watches Hughe as he stares at her patiently waiting for an answer. She doesn't know why but something about the way he watches her, makes her feel safe.

I say, "Ive come to find a family. The humans when they see this form of mine, they run. They cower. They fear me. I used to love that they feared me. Used to revel in. Now I just want acceptance and fear I'll never be accepted. When I show my true form not just bits of it, they scream in pure terror."

At this admission, Hughe's eyes soften, far more natural than their previous intensity.  His seemingly unwavering grin curves down to a sympathetic frown.

He says,"That is a shame. Your form appears wonderful to me, as does any of those who I call family.If you seek a family, you have found one here, should the decision suite you.  Until then, you are always welcome to enjoy our company this evening.  You will find you are by no means a freak among us..."

I look around at the different beings either half, full blooded, or mixed. They're all coexisting and have no animosity or disgust in their eyes as they talk amongst each other.

I look at Hughe and then at the variety of creatures surrounding before looking back at Hughe and seeing the softness in his eyes. Something about his expression makes me feel safe.

I ask," Even if I look like this?"

My body changes, silver scales like before cover her entire body as her clothes disappear. My tail appears as my fangs descend and my eyes change to the dragon like yellow in one and red in the other. My hands turn to talons that are as sharp as the sharpest sword/knife in the world.

My voice comes out in a distorted slightly hissing way,Mossst humansss are revolted by my appearanssse."

I lift my head up to look at Hughe waiting for the rejection I've grown accustomed to. Hughe's intense gaze returns to Mazikeen without a single change from his soft expression. I watch as he looks down before looking me dead in the eyes.

Hughe says, "My dear... especially if you look like that."

Hughe's smile reappears across his face, no longer deranged but warm, like a father looking at his daughter. His acceptance of her has taken a weight of her shoulders she didn't know she truly had.

Hughe says,"And as far as most 'humans' are concerned, they are, themselves, of no concern.  Let them fear you.  Let them tremble -- despair even.  For whether they entertain it or not, their idea of beauty is flawed and ours... eternal."

Hughe extends his ungloved right hand and says,"A shake of my hand, and you will have the beauty of home you seek."

I look down at the extended hand and am afraid. What if i paralyze him? I take a deep breath and carefully takes his right hand in my talons and shake it. I look at his warm smile and then his eyes as doubt disappears. I just want to have a family who accepts me.

Magenta sparks slightly in Hughe's eyes for a brief second, the skin on his hand unharmed and his demeanor unchanged.

Hughe says happily,"Glad to have you, Mazikeen.  Feel free to enjoy the show tonight as an honored guest and newest member of the Dark Carnival family."

Hughe's form breaks away into wisps of shadow before disappearing entirely. A warmth radiates through me at the words Hughe leaves me with. I take a deep breath and feel everything change back to my human form. I walk to the entrance where people are surrounded and watch as a woman begins to sing.

End of Flashback

Hughe gave me a family. He gave me a home. He gave me acceptance. Hughe is basically a father to me. Especially since I have never known my dad. He's given me great advice especially when I didn't want it. I look up to see one of my crew come out looking for me. I get out and head inside to finish up the night.

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