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Great. Just great! Today's the first day of school and I hate first days. What to wear? How to style your hair? Ugh! It's all just... Ugh!

I rush to my sister, Evelyn, after getting out of the bathroom. I knock on her door multiple times until Noah's, my brother, room door opens up. "Noah?! Where's Evelyn?!" I question him. Evelyn walks out of his room. "Your brother needed 'tips'. More like a whole outfit!" Evelyn spat. Noah sighed and then shrugged his shoulders.

"Evie, I need... a whole outfit." I say. Evelyn rolls her eyes but then smiled in between. "Yours will be way more fun because your style fits you so well!" Evelyn says with her hands in the sir. I chuckle and then grab her by her arm. I pull her down the hallway, towards my room. I open it up, revealing my clean room.

We both step into my room and then Evelyn starts rummaging through clothes of mine. Luckily she doesn't mess up my room. She isn't a tornado when it comes to finding clothes. She grabs a champion sweatshirt, black leggings, and white sneakers. She throws the clothes at my chest and I grab them. "Wear those." She says. She stands up, ready to leave until I stop her. "My hair?" I question. "Let it be like that, it's pretty." She says, twirling with my blonde hair and then smiles, leaving my room.

I change into my clothes and then brush my hair. I take a last look at myself. I smile at the result. I grab my backpack at walk out the door. I jog down the stairs, eat my breakfast, say bye to mom and dad, and walk with my siblings to our school.

Everyone stands in front of the doors that are still closed. "Why are they still closed?" I whisper to Evelyn who's right next to me. Noah walked over to his friends. "Don't know, but I see your friend over there." She says nodding over to my friend, Ivy. I thank Evelyn and walk over to Ivy who is on her phone. "Hey Ivy." I say, tapping on her shoulder. She jumped a little but then relaxed down. "Seriously Ash? You scared me half to death!" She said and I started to laugh. "The other half will be school that will kill you." I point out, making her laugh.

I remember the day I met Ivy. She was one of them.

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