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"Thomas, please intoduce yourself." Mrs. Crimosn says with a smile. Thomas nods.

"Is he mute or something?" Evelyn whispers into my ear and I just shrug. "It's my first time seeing him also so just shut up and wait." I whisper back. I tunred to look behind my shoulders and I saw Rachel. She had that face when she first saw her boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the new kid.

A lot of people, including Evelyn, excluding me, gasped at the sound of his voice. "Ehm. I'm Thomas Brodie-Sangster. I'm seventeen and I came from Southwark, London." Thomas pauses, probably for the dramatic effect. "I have one sister who is fifteen. I'll be staying at this school for a couple of months." Thomas admitted. 'Alright then, don't get attatched to him.' I thought.

"Rachel?" Mrs. Crimson called. "Why are you staying here for a couple of months?" She asked. I could almost see her crumble down when he's going to leave. I pursed my lips, trying to hold back a fit of laughter.

"Uhm." Thomas looked at Mrs. Crimson and she nodded her head. It's like they're hiding something. Thomas looked back at us and sighed. "I rather not say. I'm sorry." His face brightened up again. "But I do hope to make some friends while I'm here." He said and smiled. Probably the end of his short speech.

"You may sit down. Let's see... Evelyn will you please sit down in the empty seat, next to Rachel's." Mrs. Crimson said with a smile. Evelyns ighed, knowing what'll happen if she argued. I guess I'm stuck with Thomas for the rest of the year. Evelyn moved her seats. "Thomas you can take Evelyn's seat." Mrs. Crimson said. Why couldn't she just give the empty seat to Thomas and not take my sister away from me?

Thomas nods his head and then comes over to sit down next to me. I glanced at him and then back at the front of the class. "Today we will be watching one of... watching a film." Mrs. Crimson says with a smile. That was very rare so I took much interest in this. We had a choice, sit in front of the class, on the ground, or sit where we are. "And I advise you to pay attention, so no other things should be going on." Mrs. Crimson added.

I walked away from my seat and sat down in front. Evelyn sat next to me.

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