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The doors start to creep open and then they fully open up. Me and Ivy were making theories of what could happen after the doors open. Nothing from our plans happened. No party streamers. No music. No, nothing. Why was I even expecting all those from my school? My school didn't do things like those.

Everyone walks in like bulls that see something red. Everyone was running around, grabbing their stuff before class. My locker was two lockers away from Ivy's so we parted ways but we could still see eachother. I grabbed my books that I need for my first period. English. Me and Ivy had to go to different classes. She had Math first.

I walk into the silent room where there is only five to seven faces, including the teacher. They all were familiar, though. I spot my sister in the second row. She doesn't have anyone sitting next to her and she's reading. I walk over to her and place my books on my desk. "Can I sit here?" I whisper to her. Evelyn looks up and nods with a small smile attached to her face. I take my seat and try to get comfortable on the wooden seat.

A couple others walk into the class. Mrs. Crimson stands up when everyone is here and she smiles. She starts the projector after we all say good morning to her. "How is everybody?" Mrs. Crimson asks with a beautiful smile. Not going to lie, she is a very kind teacher. Having her as your first period's teacher is just a blessing.

Everyone replies with a 'good' or 'grand'. "How was summer?" Mrs. Crimson asks whilst she waits for the projector to start. Everyone answers with the same answer they gave as before. "That's great." Mrs. Crimson says with a smile. The projector finally starts and Mrs. Crimson puts on something. It seems to be a video.

"Today, we will be having a new student. I would like you to meet..." Mrs. Crimson waits until the door finally opens up, revealing a boy. He had dirty blonde hair and looked very young. His chocolate eyes scanned the room and then it landed on the teacher. He shot her a bright smile and Mrs. Crimson gave it back. "Thomas Sangster!" She says with jazz hands. Thomas looks back at the class and smiles.

I don't think anyone smile back but I know who surely did. Rachel Roses. She's the... let's say the 'good girl' of the school. She's not very good when it comes out of the school, though. I know because she came to my house once and left with one of my expensive perfumes! My family actually hates her. I don't get how nobody sees it.

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