First Rule Of Dealing With Bigots?

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Sage had been up early. Getting her supplies. But now she was leading the first year Slytherins and Hufflepuffs to the Great Hall. Dressed in the usual Hogwarts get up but black pants instead of a skirt. "Why are you helping us your a Slytherin." Susan finally asked. This caused the other first year Slytherins to tense. "Listen I'm not the best person in the world but you guys are just kids. Some unity around here would be good for once." Sage answered. "But everyone knows Slytherin are evil." A voice said. This was one Ron Weasley. "Yet. You and your house are the ones who bully Slytherins. I've heard about James Potter and his band of merry idiots picking on Severus Snape." Sage said dryly pushing past the first year. If she knocked him down that was her business. Sage then turned around motioning for the Hufflepuffs to go sit.

At the head table. "This isn't good." Elizabeth commented. "And why ever not?" Snape inquired. "My sister has something planned, Professor Snape I do apologize but I do not believe that you will get any peace at all." Elizabeth commented. Sprout watched with interest and smiled slightly. "Ten points to Slytherin for Ms. River's kind direction of the Great hall to the Hufflepuff students." Flitwick called out. Now back with Sage. "Okay so when I say your name you go sit where I tell you. Got it?" Sage asked smiling her eyes twinkled. A chorus of fines and yeses were exchanged. "Good. Davis, Hufflepuffs. Greengrass, Ravenclaws..." She paused as the two didn't move. "Are you waiting for an invite just go sit." And with that the two quickly hurried to sit so Sage could continue. "Goyle, Crabb, Hufflepuff. Nott and Zabini, Gryffindor. Malfoy. Ravenclaw. Parkison, go to Ravenclaw." Everyone watched as the first years dispurt. "They can't sit at those tables!" Flint yelled. "Says who?" Sage shot back grabbing for her wand, 11 1/2 inches, Werewolf hair and an eagle feather. Olive wood. It was rather unique one supposed. "Me, thats who!" Flint shouted as he got into Sage's face. The others were concerned it didn't help Granger walked into the hall at that time.

Flint shot the spell at Granger. Everyone held their breaths as Sage stood in front of the oncoming spell and smirked. At the possible last second she casted the shield charm. He was quickly restrained. "Fucking idiot." Sage muttered walking over to Granger. "You alright there?" Sage asked and got a nod. "Good come along I'll escort you to your house table." Sage said leading the Gryffindor girl over to the table next to Nott. She shot Sage a weird look. "Social experiment." Sage replied loudly. "There's no rule against sitting at another house's table so siblings with someone in another house could sit with them." Sage pointed out. This perked a few heads. 'Hook line and sinker.' Sage thought as she saw some upper years and hell even some first years went to a different table to eat. She smiled as she saw some Slytherins being sat with or sitting at a different table. 

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