Part I

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"Dandelion, dandelion, ride the wind to a faraway land."

The little fox chanted.

He blew the dandelion flower and sent the seeds flying. He then spoke in a more serious tone.

"May my teacher's wishes ride the wind and reach the Anemo Archon."

A wind blew past us and swept aways the dandelion seeds.

Did they fly to a better place, carrying my hopes and dreams there with them?


When did this happen?

Some time ago, behind the village, there grew a forest of countless lush trees. At the center of this forest was a small lake.

The lake was like the stained glass windows of the Mondstadt Cathedral: crystal clear and shimmering in the sunlight.

The sun shone through the leaves and glistened on the water's surface like fragments of gemstones. It was really something.

The weather was cool that day. I was hunting in the forest when I came upon the lake... shimmering water somehow reminded me of a girl I loved a long time ago.

I couldn't remember much about her, but I felt that her eyes must have looked like the lake, glittering as if holding fragments of gemstones.

I became lost in thought as I stared at the glistening water. I walked transfixed along the lakeside, forgetting entirely that I was out for a hunt.

I came to when I heard the sound of something freezing up. It was a Mist Flower growing by the lake that had just frozen the water surrounding it. Next to it was a white fox, its tail frozen in the ice. Poor critter.

"It must have had its tail in the water by the Mist Flower while it was drinking."

Mist Flowers are dangerous plants and can cause frostbite if handled without care. Extreme caution must be taken when handling them.

As it saw me approach, the fox struggled in fear, but this only served to tug on its still-frozen tail. The fox whimpered in pain.

"Oh no, this won't do."

I thought to myself.

"What a poor critter. It's gonna die anyway if I don't save it, so I might as well end its pain by bringing it home as my game for the day."

I imagined what a delicious fox stew I could cook with the carrots I grew. Just thinking of the hot stew gave me energy and brought a smile to my face.

So I took out my hunting bow and slowly walked toward it.

"Be good and stay put."

The Fox in the dandelion seaWhere stories live. Discover now