Part VII

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The little fox kept waving back to us as he walked. His figure grew smaller and smaller until it became a tiny white spot, which blended into the dandelion sea and slowly faded away.
After he had gone, the mother fox turned and walked to me.
Her figure grew bigger with each step.
When she finally reached me, she had already morphed into a human.
She was a tall and slender woman, with a swan-like neck and pearly skin. Her eyes sparkled like gemstone fragments in pools of water, and at night they seemed to shine like rays of sunlight that reach the water's surface after being filtered through the leaves.
"What a beauty. She looks just like the girl I fell in love with all those years ago, though I can't recall her name. But those eyes tell me that it must be her."
I thought.
For all the fox's magic tricks, even her ability to morph into a human, nothing amazed me quite as much as those bejeweled lakes that were her eyes. For a while, we stood silently in the boundless dandelion sea.
At last, I could no longer contain myself, and opened my mouth:
"Is this the trick you were going to teach me? The fox's art of transformation?"
"Yes. I am most grateful for all your help this whole time."
She lowered herself and bowed to me. Her silky long black hair flowed down her shoulders like streams.
Although saying farewell to the little fox left emptiness in my heart, I soon became exhilarated again when I thought of the morphing trick that I was about to learn.
Could I morph into a flying bird once I'd mastered the tricks? How high would I be able to fly? Maybe I could also morph into a fish, and finally have the chance to go to Musk Reef.
"I could also hunt using magic!" I couldn't contain my excitement.
"No more meatless carrot stews for me..."
"Then I shall ask you to stand still."
She walked circles around me, her body growing in size with each pass.
No, not just her. The dandelions were also growing bigger - they were only up to my ankles when she started, but now they were suddenly above my waist. Before long they became towering trees. I started to feel something was wrong - and it was then that I noticed the fox had become a giant.

The Fox in the dandelion seaWhere stories live. Discover now