2: A curse?

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To what extent the characters in a story is able to control themselves

Through a long and bumpy road

The road to the end of the story might be different, but the destination is the same ~

Henry Huo, 传闻


This Ren guy was really getting on her nerves. He even surpassed James Kim in brand ranking for this month. Out of nowhere, his face was now seen in every part of the Metro and, every time she saw it, she couldn't help but licked the shame he brought to her. She hasn't forgotten that he deleted her entire collection of James' photos and her only picture with him. Good thing that we have advanced technology now, she was able to retrieve those pictures. And now that she learned her lesson, she had backed it up.

She got it that this guy was very attractive and had irresistible features. On top of that, he easily trended just because of a 10-second topless scene in one of his advertisements and was praised for his good body management. But, come on! This guy was freaking 44 years old. He should pave the way to those young aspiring artists. When will he retire?

He sure had the means to stop her from getting a job in the agency, but he would never top her desperation. It's been a week now since the incident happened, and Kathy was continuously convincing her to retract her leave of absence at school. But the more she saw that Ren, the more she was motivated to prove herself to him. She could be with James Kim, no matter what!

She never stopped researching for a gig that could land her in another agency. Luckily, she had a childhood friend, Evelyn, that is now working in a film studio as an Assistant director. She mentioned that the company would start a movie shooting next week and in need of a production assistant. It was said to be an action film, so Kyoko was a bit hesitant at first because it was far from her target department. But beggars can't be choosy, right? She just grabbed it and swore that she would work her way to her goals.

This was actually her first time to work things out that were far from her expectations. During her childhood, every plan or expectation of her happened. She realized now that the path she was taking was too tamed. That is why she was doing these things, to find enjoyment. She was nervous about what's going to happen, but she was indeed excited!

Her train of thoughts suddenly disrupted when her phone rang. It is Evelyn. "Kyoko, don't forget to pack early. We're going to fetch you at 3 AM tomorrow. Don't be late!"

"Of course, don't worry. I already got everything I need." She had packed clothes in her large suitcase. It would be an out of the town shooting, and the company would provide accommodation. It looked fun, but when Evelyn send her the schedule, it was ridiculously packed. They have 15 hours of shooting every day. Evelyn must have squeezed all the filming schedules for the whole month. They kind of have few breaks in between though. But like what she said, beggars can't be choosy. She was thinking to build connections in the industry so she could land a better job in the future.


After 4 hours of nonstop travel, they finally reached the tropical forest they were about to shoot. The place was a famous trekking spot. The crackling of leaves as the wind blew blended well with the sound of the chirping birds. Kyoko was amazed at the tress standing tall like skyscrapers, some were in different sizes and others are in different shapes. No wonder why many people love to trek or hike because such a place gave a peaceful and calming vibe. To tell you the truth, she had never been in an outing like this. She was never an outdoor type and so her family but now, she knew what she's missing out.

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