3: Action!

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"In the world of showbiz, only those with talent and luck make it through."

Ushio Kurosaki, Skip Beat


As much as possible, Kyoko didn't want to go anywhere near Ren. If someone asked her to run errands for that actor, she would go to Will, Ren's manager. Luckily, he was accommodating and considerate.

When the shooting was about to start, she heard rumbling noises coming from the director. She immediately went there just in case they needed help.

"What the hell?!"

"I'm sorry, director. As much as she wanted to take the scenes in the forest, she has allergies in some forest shrubs."

"What do you mean? We gave you the material! You should have told us that!"

The lady just bowed and continuously apologized. She's the same woman who eyed her earlier. She must be the manager! That's the excuse, huh? She inwardly smirked.

The director sighed in defeat and asked Evelyn instead. "Where's the double?"

"Unfortunately, her double will come in three days, because the scenes we're about to shoot were just light."

"So, what do we do now?!" Since the set was located outside the city, it would be difficult for them to rearrange the schedule and wait for the double to come. This day would turn into waste if they didn't shoot anything. It would cost them a lot.

The frustration of the director was very obvious that no one dared to talk or make noise. It was Evelyn who broke the silence, calling her.

When she got near her, Evelyn turned her around and scanned her features.

"Director! I think we have an alternative!"

She looked at Evelyn in confusion. What do you mean? It was when she realized that she might act alongside Ren, she immediately dismissed the idea. "No! I don't know how to act!"

But the director went to her and also scanned her features. She kept on refusing, but the director seemed not to hear her. "I think this could work!"

Her world suddenly crashed down as she saw Ren moving towards them. "No! I---"

Evelyn interrupted her protest by suddenly putting a hand on her mouth, then whispered, "You don't have to act! Just ran and do what was written in the script. Save the day, pleaseeee~!"

She couldn't do anything but to inwardly cry out her frustrations.

Before she knew it, she was already in the tent, and someone was doing her makeup. Her hate towards Nova was getting out of hand. She knew the real reason why this has happened. If she did not become a demanding witch, she would not be in this awkward situation. She might have ended the whole shooting without unnecessary interaction with Ren. Why does heaven dump all the bad luck to her? She just wanted to pursue James Kim and live happily ever after!

Evelyn suddenly went inside and handed her the script. "Sorry girl! But you have the closest figure to Nova."

Even though she wanted to cry, she just told her that it was okay. Go home or go big, right?

After Evelyn left, she scanned the script. She got no time to think about the awkwardness with Ren. She must focus on studying the script and do not add her embarrassment in front of him.

Right after she read it, she formulated the whole scene in her mind. What would be the whole scenario looks like? What would be the actors' responses to the environment? What should be her response? Even though this would be her first time to be involved in such role-playing, she was no novice in observing the actresses when watching a film. Good thing that they would not shoot her face because she's not confident if she could deliver it properly.

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