Chapter 3

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That night, the two bully boys from school, Rodney and Skip had come back to the manor to see if they could find anything to scare Kali and the Recess gang with. As the boys explored around the manor, Pip came out to secretly follow them. 

When the boys came into the room on the second floor, Rodney was looking at some spell potions he found while Skip came in front of the mirror. But as his did, something strange happened as the full moon came out and the mirror seemed to come alive. Skip froze in fear as a man appeared inside the mirror. 

"Rodney!..." He cried fearfully. 

"What?" Rodney came over to his friend. 

The two boys watched the mirror as the man fell out of it, revealing it to have been... Warwick! The Halloween Hound then appeared and stepped out of the mirror. But he had another dog with him this time. This demon dog was a female whippet with a lavender fur color and wore a spiked collar and dark cape with wings. 

"We are... free!" Warwick couldn't believe it. 

"Oh, no" Pip frowned, watching from a distance. 

Warwick laughed evilly before sounding sickened about his time spent in the mirror. "Oh, it was horrendous in there!"

"Hm. You make that sound like a bad thing" The lavender female dog smirked towards the idiotic warlock. 

"Oh come now, Belladonna, no one's badder then you" The Hound complimented his acquaintance he had met back in the Netherworld during those 75 years of imprisonment. 

The female whippet demon, Belladonna boasted. "Yes, I know" 

Warwick then noticed Rodney and Skip, thinking they were the ones who released them but then accused them of stealing his staff and spell book after he couldn't find them and turned the two boys into rats. 

"They won't be able to warn the town" Warwick told the two demon dogs. 

"Now, we must finish what we started so many years ago" Belladonna declared. 

"I can smell the blood of the six puppies we need" The Halloween Hound informed his associates. "They've been in this room"

"Oh, no!" Pip gasped, before disappearing back into the walls. 

Warwick, The Hound, and Belladonna headed towards the front door which was boarded up and Warwick blasted it away with his dark magic and the 3 demonic evil beings stepped out. Warwick turned around to have a look at the manor which was now old and broken down. 

"Oh, the Manor has seen better days" Warwick sighed. 

Hoot then appeared in a nearby tree. "Master, it's true. You're back!" The owl said. 

Warwick ordered Hoot to go and find his staff, saying nothing could happen without it nor the spell book, and with that the owl took off. 

"Are you sure we can trust that rat with wings?" Belladonna asked Warwick about Hoot. 

"Don't worry. Hoot will find my staff while we will look for my spell book. Now, come on" Warwick told the two demon dogs as they started to leave the manor. 

What they didn't know was that Pip saw them leave. The little beagle ghost pup then thought if they could leave maybe he could too. Pip bravely floated out of the manor and realized he was no longer trapped. He was free! Now he was off to warn the Buddies. 


All of Fernfield was in a buzz with the full moon out, as the official start of trick-or-treating had began. The Harpercop siblings eagerly headed out the door with the dogs, ready to get their trick-or-treating on. Kali was a mix of a hairy monster. Brock and Ann were a peanut butter and jelly sandwich together, (typical twin costume). Scooby Doo was a Vampire Dog, and Tchaikovsky was Frankenweenie. The kids and dogs laughed as Jane and Walter stood by the door. 

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