Iam a Journalist not a Social Activist!

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Somewhere at the borders of Thailand

In Thailand there are conflicts going on since 2004 and till 2010! A young man went to cover the news over there. It's a risky step to take as no one is really mindful about the situation and was harming those who crossed the paths! 

A Disagreement between two countries is always bloody. The officials will safe enjoying tea parties but those under them spill the blood and sweat fighting for the cause.

There are many people running around in various directions. There's an urgency in the steps of people.

Some with the eagerness at the idea of going home after years ,

Some with the heaviness as the thought of things they lost here,

Some with the long stretches at the prospect of fighting for something that was not accomplished,

Some with the pride of being a part of something that would be remembered for a very long time,

And Many others, who are carrying the after effects of something gonna be a 'soon to be forgotten' war .

But there's this one man who's standing in the middle of this chaos and trying to make sense for the rest of the country. A man who risked his life to cover everything of those who stood 'for a cause' in the war.

He's not just a man but a person with plan and could think farther than where he stood now. He's none other than Mr. KP Suthiluck.

The Investigative Journalist. None as the Lion in Media, fearless young man who works alone , but the success rate of his work could be 100% accurate though the cases are complicated.

"After years of struggle, fights, sweat and blood that shed over, ends here for the sake of PEACE between the countries. Though everything is gradually settling into it's place and people are cheering for this new development, I have a question, Are you really okay with this? I mean it, Are you really okay with whatever that happened and happening now? All the time, money, people, lives, blood and whatnot that are sacrificed till now are of no worth? Are we a game for the Higher Government? IS THIS NECESSARY? "he took a pause and continued "Soldiers are happy at the victory but are also extremely dissatisfied with the treatment they got from the higher officials. Some are also very upset with the fact regarding number of deaths, let's talk to few of them and let them express their views about this issue. "

"Death is inevitable, might be them or us, this would've happened regardless what, how , when and who." Said one man with single arm and other armless shoulder covered with bloodied bandage.

"We wore the uniform in the name of Country, we either die or kill , but in the name of our country, which is our pride," said another man with a gun still aimed in a direction that' leads to the border.

"We kill by profession, not by choice, If we don't then they will. "another one.

"As we listened to various voices regarding this now let me end this update with a beautiful scene of all the soldiers attending to each other as a family. This is KP with cameraman Em for SKTV. "with that KP ended his live from the warzone.

On Flight back to Bangkok,

Kongpob took his seat and was rolling his neck to get rid of the knots, " Excuse me , can you get me today's newspaper please" he asked the flight attendant with a polite smile.

"Sure sir, I'll just get that in a moment" is the answer he got before he closed his eyes in exhaustion. He's been here for almost a month and half, now going home.

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