Welcome My Dears!

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Hello Hello Hello and welcome to my humble Hypnosis Mic Oneshot book! 

If you are a new fan joining for the anime, then I shall welcome you with open arms to this planet's most friendly fandom! We don't bite and we respect each other's opinions! 

We're a good role model for the BNHA fandom! Speaking humbly of course! 

Now come here my little fledglings, and let me enlighten you to a few rules for entering this healthy, clean, and respectable fandom.

Number one, once you're in, there is no way out. Cross this line and you'll fall right into Hypnosis Mic's heavenly hell, the flames get brighter with every twitter post from the official DRB acc-I mean! With every episode! (Just wanted to let you, my little dears, know that we have been mostly living off tweets and the most literally UR+ albums and Drama tracks, how cute! You get episodes!)

Number two, we are a friendly community! Especially here on Wattpad! You can squeal and die over as many characters as you want and we will gladly join you!

Number three, if you decide to be a strictly Anime only fan with the music and songs of course, I advise you to stay off the drama tracks and try to avoid Wiki as much as you can, the manga is available but I doubt it'll catch up till after the anime. Not to mention how there are two more divisions yet to be introduced into the anime! If you'd like to get info about the remaining six members, THEN shall you resort to the drama tracks/manga.

Number four, oooh! The most important so far! So listen well my new hatchlings! We are an open community, we respect your fujoshiness as long as it stays within limits and reeks of no hazards or toxicity. But I swear on everything that is fucking holy, if you DARE AND FUCKING SHIP THE BUSTER BROS WITH EACH OTHER, I WILL FUCKING MAKE YOU REGRET THAT AND EVERY OTHER TOXIC INCESTUOUS SHIP YOU'VE EVER THOUGHT OF. OUR HEALTHY AND UNDER CONTROL FANDOM DOES NOT NEED THAT TYPE OF DISUSTING TOXICITY AND BULLSHIT. AND DON'T YOU FUCKING LEWD SABURO IN ANYWAY! NO 18+ SHIPS FOR THIS BOY! HE'S FREAKIN 14!

Alright then my newly bloomed dearies! I think this is about as much as you'll need for entering the fandom at this point! And please do respect the project in general and its followers! The anime is a huge game changer since there has been just so much work put into it! 

If you have any questions about the Anime/Characters/Albums/Songs/Fandom/ e.t.c feel free to ask me! I'm mostly kept up with the mangas and memorized the Drama tracks, songs, and all character info. (I'm quite proud of that actually)

I hope you enjoy this book and keep on with the Anime!

Danny out!

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