AaronxReader Kidnapped

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I've liked Aaron since the day I joined the BAU. I knew something could ever happen, because he's my boss. Until a couple days ago..

A couple days ago.....

I hear sirens and cars coming closer. My team has found me. I got kidnapped by an unsub while looking at the latest crime scene. He pulled me away when I wasn't paying attention and hit me over the head with something. For the last 4 days he's been torturing me continuously. 

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as the door gets kicked down. It's Hotch. Tears start to stream down my face.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE" I start screaming and sobbing

They can't get me out yet though, because the unsub has a knife to my throat. The rest of my team rushes in, all of their eyes widen. I know I must look horrible, from all the punches and cuts and so much more. 

"Put the knife down Randy you don't want to hurt her"

"How do you know?" the unsub says while pushing the knife closer into your neck

"Because you've only killed people who resemble your abusive father" Hotch says

"Why don't we change that"

He starts to cut your neck, but Hotch shots the unsub. The unsub falls on you.

"GET HIM OFF OF ME GET HIM OFF GET HIM OFF!!!" I screamed as I sobbed

Everyone ran over and helped get the unsub off of you. Aaron untied you from the chair and helped you up. I'm still sobbing and hyperventilating when Aaron pulls me into a hug, one hand on my back and the other on my head. He holds me tightly. Aaron gave me an extra squeeze and spoke.

"It's okay Y/n you're safe now it's okay he's gone you're alright" he whispered

I continue to sob, soaking his shirt.

"Let's get you home Y/n"

I nodded 

He helped me walk to the car. We stopped at the hotel to get our go bags. Then we went onto the plane.

 I sit alone by the window. I don't want to talk to anyone yet, but Aaron sat across from me. He doesn't try and talk to me. The rest of the team passes me and give me sad looks. 

The whole plane ride I just sit and stare at the table between me and Aaron.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Aaron asks me, giving me a sympathetic look

I just look at him with tears in my eyes. He looks at me sadly, then. he gets up and moves next to me. I put my head on his shoulder and for the first time in days I fell asleep, only to have the worst nightmare of my life.

"No stop let me go please WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!"

I feel someone shaking me.

"Y/n! Y/N! wake up you're dreaming" Hotch says

I jump as I woke up. Tears rush into my eyes as I look at him. He just takes me into his arms.

"I know Y/n I know" he says comfortingly

I just cry soaking his shirt again.

Before I know it we land. We get into the cars. I sit in the passenger seat next to Aaron. I still haven't spoken. 

"Are you okay?"

I open my mouth to talk, but I close it almost immediately. 

"It's okay you don't have to talk"

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