The text....

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Fluttershy's p.o.v
I slipped my phone from my pocket and read on the screen, 'meet me at the front of the school and i wont get angry.' i shrugged and tried to pass it off as normal. I walked over from my bed and shook spike trying to awake him to help me get twi to look at this, he stood up with his green hair flopped to the side and he hugged me morning. He walked to twi and ripped away her book and she jumped up wide eyes, i giggled at how easy it is to wake her up. I showed her my phone and she shrugged it off to and we got dressed, we all headed down stairs and saw her pet owl. He let out a loud yawn and he flew to the fridge opening it for us and he stretched his wings out, i reached up to him and held him at my eye level and i stared right into his piercing yellow eyes. He shook his head as i accidentally did my stare which caused him to freak out so i dropped him, he shook his head and looked at me apologetically. I nodded and watched as spike and twi stared in disbelief at the owl's reaction as in no one knew about my "stare". I shook their shoulders and twi just continued making breakfast but spike... Well he is a different story he was bombarding me with questions, i at one point ignored him and watched twi try and make angle stop stealing the food but i know that is useless till he is full but i will try and help her.... I stood up and turned to spike and grabbed some lettuce and stuffed it into his mouth, i turned back to twi as she pushed angle back but he ran forward again so i walked over and grabbed him by the scruff. He stopped and ate his own food, i turned to a concerned twi? I looked at her shaking hand and held out my phone i grabbed my phone from her hand 'ok fluttershy well i see you and twi are eating and why is angle so hungry do you never feed that thing?! Anyway will hurt the ones you love if you don't come!' I shook in fear as we looked around the room and i saw spike had his phone out on messaging? No way could it be hi-... Nahhhhhhh he would never! I walked over to twi as she saw nothing also, i shrugged along with her and we walked out the door with spike still texting away i saw whim hit the send button for some text. Then when he hit send my phone vibrated.....

Ok wow short i know but my life is a living satan home! So sorry! :P and what do you think this all means!? And guys the picture i added with it is a really pretty pony i found. Idk who she is maybe i can add her if you guys want?!!?!? Hmmm. Idk you guys decide! Comment if i should make her in this book!!! Byeeeeeeeee

Peace out-

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