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Salutations dear reader(s). For the sake of privacy and personal reasons also regarding my friends' accounts no personal information will be given out except for a few minor details. For the remainder of this guide my pseudonym will be Ellery and that is how I want to be addressed. If you want to speak with me in the comments that will be the name you will use.

Now, if you're reading this then there are four possible cases of why.

1- You've noticed something is 'off' with the moon

2- You've seen seen weird programmings appear on TV (Often late into night hours) only known as "Local 58"

3-You've had something happen regarding this "Local 58" programs

4- You are confused (And possible frightened) by the title of this book and want to know more about what I mean

(For those you who don't know what exactly I mean, fear not. The next part of this guide will be explaining in as much detail as I can about Local 58)

If you're someone(s) who relate to 1, 2, or 3 (Possibly even all) then you know the threat of what this Local 58 can do and how it must be stopped/warned about before none of us are left to read this.

Look Away: A guide to survivng the enemies from the moonWhere stories live. Discover now