Losing a friend to Local 58

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Fausta Nelson has been one of my closest friends since the second grade. She came from a wealthy family of a father, mother, younger brother, and younger sister. She was with me when we first experienced Local 58's ways (This will be explained in the next chapter) and now she's permanently changed by the things Local 58 has broadcasted to her. It was a rainy spring night and Fausta had just gotten off facetime with us so she could get ready for bed since she had somewhere to go the next day. As she was brushing her hair she just happened to look outside at the full moon, the next thing she knew her TV had bursted into static while displaying bright color bars across the screen. Upon seeing this she went to grab her phone when the TV made a louder beep and a message flashed on the screen saying in all caps, "DO NOT CALL HELP", fear took over Fausta's mind causing her to freeze in her spot; crouched down on her bed and hugging her knees. The screen glitched and the message was gone, a few moments later another message appeared on screen saying, "NOW REPEAT EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON SCREEN" Another glitch occurred and then several messages flashed but the main one that kept showing up was, "THERE ARE NO FACES".

The next morning at 10:56 A.M my friends and I each received a panicked phone call from Mrs.Nelson whose voice was so shaky it was hard to make out what she was saying most the time, my friend London could understand the best out of all of us and this is what Mrs.Nelson said according to him, "Oh my god oh my god oh my god. You NEED to come over here as soon as possible! Oh my god, something is wrong with Fausla. I don't know what it is but we came home and she was acting like she was on something, I don't honestly f*ucking know but please come here as soon as possible oh god!". Once we all arrived (Me, Aria, London, Kaisley, and Sebastian) arrived and were let up to Fausla's room she was found sitting in her darkened bedroom, crouched in a corner while rocking back and forth, her TV was just playing static and she occasionally looked over at it and bursted out laughing. Sebastian ran over and began shaking her and yelling at her, "Snap out of this!" And, "Fausla what's wrong with you?!" but it sadly failed and she was forever 'cursed' in this state of mind.

Mr.Nelson would bring her food and sit in there to make sure she would actually eat it, Mrs.Nelson would help her change clothes, comb her hair, and bath since she couldn't really do anything without stumbling around or attempting to break anything that seemingly "remind her of bad things". She can barely talk and when she does it's in sentence fragments (An example being, "Outside, let's!" Basically meaning, "Let's go outside!"), she also cannot text anymore and when she wants to talk to someone Mrs.Nelson would dial the number and leave it on speaker while staying in the room in case something happens.

It's honestly really depressing to see Faula in this state of mind and knowing there isn't anything we can do to help her go back to her normal ways. Doctors haven't been able figure out how one TV program could cause her mind to corrupt this way even after Mrs.Nelson showed the footage (which had saved onto her TV) to them which didn't even cause any effect to the doctors! I hope one day she can go back to normal.  

Look Away: A guide to survivng the enemies from the moonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ